在谷歌地圖,你可以利用在特定的標記來顯示信息窗口。從Google developer's page一些示例代碼:
var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(-25.363882,131.044922);
var mapOptions = {
zoom: 4,
center: myLatlng,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"), mapOptions);
var contentString = '<div id="content">'+
'<div id="siteNotice">'+
'<h2 id="firstHeading" class="firstHeading">Uluru</h2>'+
'<div id="bodyContent">'+
'<p><b>Uluru</b>, also referred to as <b>Ayers Rock</b>, is a large ' +
'sandstone rock formation in the southern part of the '+
'Northern Territory, central Australia. It lies 335 km (208 mi) '+
'south west of the nearest large town, Alice Springs; 450 km '+
'(280 mi) by road. Kata Tjuta and Uluru are the two major '+
'features of the Uluru - Kata Tjuta National Park. Uluru is '+
'sacred to the Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara, the '+
'Aboriginal people of the area. It has many springs, waterholes, '+
'rock caves and ancient paintings. Uluru is listed as a World '+
'Heritage Site.</p>'+
'<p>Attribution: Uluru, <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Uluru&oldid=297882194">'+
'http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Uluru</a> (last visited June 22, 2009).</p>'+
var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: contentString
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: myLatlng,
map: map,
title:"Uluru (Ayers Rock)"
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {
感謝您的回覆,但我的問題仍然存在如何將請求發送到Eclipse的谷歌地圖。我正在使用Twiiter4j,它是Twitter的Java API。我只是想了解關係。如何請求可以發送到谷歌地圖,對於Android應用程序,我們有谷歌地圖,但不適用於Web應用程序! – Sara 2013-03-03 16:21:47
對於Web應用程序,Google Maps請求通常由[javascript API](https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/)處理。如果您正在創建Java Web應用程序,通常會有抽象/直接訪問javascript生成。什麼訪問取決於底層的Java Web框架。 – cwgem 2013-03-03 16:28:10
你可以用javascript調用信息,然後創建一個json/xml提要,你可以從你的其他api中調用,就像調用推文並在那裏執行計算一樣。但是,是的,整個想法在直接的javascript中會相當簡單。 – Rafe 2013-03-03 17:27:33