2016-12-28 76 views

最近我一直在嘗試使用新的Windows.UI.Composition API,並且在使用彩色布盧姆動畫時,我一直試圖從屏幕的每一邊同時運行其中的四個。我已經能夠讓他們四個運行在按鈕的點擊,但我已經開始總是接管顯示器到底例如最後過渡:如何運行在同一時間運行多個色彩綻放動畫?


enter image description here



private void surroundBloomButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) 

     //all of these headers are actually textblocks I've placed on the sides of the grid. 
     var header = topFlower; 

     var headerPosition = topFlower.TransformToVisual(UICanvas).TransformPoint(new Windows.Foundation.Point(0d, 0d)); 

     var header2 = rightFlower; 

     var header2Position = rightFlower.TransformToVisual(UICanvas).TransformPoint(new Windows.Foundation.Point(0d, 0d)); 

     var header3 = bottomFlower; 

     var header3Position = bottomFlower.TransformToVisual(UICanvas).TransformPoint(new Windows.Foundation.Point(0d, 0d)); 

     var header4 = leftFlower; 

     var header4Position = leftFlower.TransformToVisual(UICanvas).TransformPoint(new Windows.Foundation.Point(0d, 0d)); 

     //Uses values of the textBlock size 

     var initialBounds = new Windows.Foundation.Rect() 
      Width = header.RenderSize.Width, 
      Height = header.RenderSize.Height, 
      X = headerPosition.X, 
      Y = headerPosition.Y 

     var finalBounds = Window.Current.Bounds; // maps to the bounds of the current window 
     //The code is super easy to understand if you set a break point here and 
     //check to see what happens step by step ;) 
     surroundButtonTransition.Start((Windows.UI.Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 0, 0)), // the color for the circlular bloom 
          initialBounds,         // the initial size and position 
            finalBounds);        // the area to fill over the animation duration 

     // Add item to queue of transitions 

     initialBounds = new Rect() 
      Width = header2.RenderSize.Width, 
      Height = header2.RenderSize.Height, 
      X = header2Position.X, 
      Y = header2Position.Y 

     surroundButtonTransition.Start((Windows.UI.Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 150, 0)), // the color for the circlular bloom 
          initialBounds,         // the initial size and position 
           finalBounds);        // the area to fill over the animation duration 

     initialBounds = new Rect() 
      Width = header3.RenderSize.Width, 
      Height = header3.RenderSize.Height, 
      X = header3Position.X, 
      Y = header3Position.Y 

     surroundButtonTransition.Start((Windows.UI.Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255, 0)), // the color for the circlular bloom 
          initialBounds,         // the initial size and position 
           finalBounds);        // the area to fill over the animation duration 

     initialBounds = new Rect() 
      Width = header4.RenderSize.Width, 
      Height = header4.RenderSize.Height, 
      X = header4Position.X, 
      Y = header4Position.Y 

     surroundButtonTransition.Start((Windows.UI.Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 255)), // the color for the circlular bloom 
          initialBounds,         // the initial size and position 
           finalBounds);        // the area to fill over the animation duration 

    private void SurroundButtonTransition_ColorBloomTransitionCompleted(object sender, EventArgs e) 
     //Changes colour of background to "White Smoke " when 
     //the animations have finished. 
     UICanvas.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Colors.WhiteSmoke); 



正如你所說,你最近嘗試新Windows.UI.Composition API和使用顏色盛開動畫時。


此外,沒有方法在與ContainerVisual.Children中的其他視覺效果相同的zindex中添加新視覺效果。請檢查VisualCollection class中的方法。



surroundButtonTransition.Start((Windows.UI.Color.FromArgb(100, 255, 0, 0)), initialBounds, finalBounds); 
surroundButtonTransition.Start((Windows.UI.Color.FromArgb(100, 255, 150, 0)), initialBounds, finalBounds); 
surroundButtonTransition.Start((Windows.UI.Color.FromArgb(100, 0, 255, 0)), initialBounds, finalBounds); 
surroundButtonTransition.Start((Windows.UI.Color.FromArgb(100, 0, 0, 255)), initialBounds, finalBounds);