2016-07-31 102 views

我最近完成了我的代碼,但我的bubbleSort函數的輸出是錯誤的。 我錯過了前兩個元素。邏輯錯誤與搜索






//Searching Benchmarks exercise 
#include <iostream> 
#include <stdlib.h> 

using namespace std; 

//module prototypes 
int binarySearch(int t, int arr[], int n); 
int bubbleSort(int num[], int n); 
void printArray(int arr[], int SIZE); 

//global constants 
const int SIZE=20; 
const int NUM_FOR_CAL1=1; 
const int NUM_FOR_CAL2=2; 
const int ZERO_FOR_CAL=0; 

int main() 
    //some variables 
    int swap; 
    int arr[SIZE] = {26, 45, 56, 12, 78, 74, 39, 22, 5, 90, 87, 32, 28, 11, 93, 62, 79, 53, 22, 51}; 

    //Showing original order, bubble sort, and the number of swaps 
    cout << "Original Order : "; 
    printArray(arr, SIZE); 
    swap = bubbleSort(arr, SIZE); 
    cout << "Bubble Sorted : "; 
    printArray(arr, SIZE); 
    cout << "Number of location swaps: " << swap << endl; 
    int num, pos, total = ZERO_FOR_CAL; 
    char YesNo; 
     cout << "Select a number in the Array to search for: "; 
     cin >> num; 
     pos = binarySearch(num, arr, SIZE); 
     cout << "Sequential Search comparisons: " << pos + NUM_FOR_CAL1<< endl; 
     cout << "The position of the number is " << pos + NUM_FOR_CAL1 << endl; 
     if(pos != -NUM_FOR_CAL1) total++; 
     cout << "Binary Search comparisons: " << total << endl; 
     cout << "The position of the number is " << pos + NUM_FOR_CAL1 << endl; 
     cout << "Do you want to search again (Y = Yes) : "; 
     YesNo = NUM_FOR_CAL2; 
     cin >> YesNo; 
    }//end of do while loop to search for array and display comparisons 
    while(YesNo == 'Y' || YesNo == 'y'); 

    return 0; 
}//end main 

//searching array using binarySearch 
int binarySearch(int t, int arr[], int n) 

    for(int i = ZERO_FOR_CAL; i < n; ++i) 
    if(arr[i] == t) return i; 
    return -NUM_FOR_CAL1; 
}//end of binarySearch 

//searching array using bubbleSort 
int bubbleSort(int num[], int n) 
int i, j, flag = NUM_FOR_CAL1; 
int temp, swap = ZERO_FOR_CAL; 

for(i = NUM_FOR_CAL1; (i <= n) && flag; i++) 
    flag = NUM_FOR_CAL2; 
    for (j = NUM_FOR_CAL2; j < (n-NUM_FOR_CAL1); j++) 
     if (num[j+NUM_FOR_CAL1] < num[j]) 
      temp = num[j]; 
      num[j] = num[j+NUM_FOR_CAL1]; 
      num[j+NUM_FOR_CAL1] = temp; 
      flag = NUM_FOR_CAL1; 
     }//end of if statement 
    }//end of for loop 
}//end of for loop 
return swap; 
}//end bubbleSort 

void printArray(int arr[], int SIZE) 

    for(int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) 
     cout << arr[i]; 
     if(i < SIZE - 1) cout << ", "; 
    cout << endl; 

歡迎堆棧溢出。當你編寫代碼時,儘可能地單獨開發新的功能非常重要。在這種情況下,在嘗試將其掛接到執行諸如搜索和用戶I/O之類的大型程序之前,應該使氣泡排序完美工作(使用'printArray()'進行診斷)。 – Beta


哈哈謝謝。但是,我不太清楚如何修復bubbleSort函數。 @Beta –


我投票結束這個問題作爲題外話題,因爲它涉及與問題標題無關的一個簡單和常見的錯誤。這個問題不太可能對未來的讀者有所幫助。 – Beta




for (j = NUM_FOR_CAL2; ...) 

開始於J = 2,所以它根本不會看起來在陣列的前兩個元素。


cout << "now comparing " << num[j+1] << " to " << num[j] << endl; 

謝謝測試版!此外,如果您覺得沒有用處,則可以將其移至關閉主題。我會在未來努力做得更好。 其他一切看起來好嗎? @Beta –