import UIKit
import Foundation
import Firebase
class CSGOView: UIViewController, UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource{
var teams: [String] = []
var times: [String] = []
@IBOutlet weak var tableViewTwo: UITableView!
let teamsRef = FIRDatabase.database().reference(fromURL: "can't have this info sorry, basically it goes straight to Teams in the database")
override func viewDidLoad() {
func getTeamsAndTimes() {
teamsRef.observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
let d = snapshot.children.allObjects
for child in snapshot.children {
}) { (error) in
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return 3
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell: UITableViewCell? = nil
return cell!
[Snap (0) FaZe Clan, Snap (1) Natus Vincere, Snap (2) Natus Vincere, Snap (3) FaZe Clan, Snap (4) HellRaisers, Snap (5) G2 Esports, Snap (6) G2 Esports, Snap (7) HellRaisers, Snap (8) NRG Esports, Snap (9) Counter Logic Gaming, Snap (10) Counter Logic Gaming, Snap (11) NRG Esports, Snap (12) OpTic Gaming, Snap (13) Rush, Snap (14) Rush, Snap (15) OpTic Gaming]
Snap (0) FaZe Clan
Snap (1) Natus Vincere
Snap (2) Natus Vincere
Snap (3) FaZe Clan
Snap (4) HellRaisers
Snap (5) G2 Esports
Snap (6) G2 Esports
Snap (7) HellRaisers
Snap (8) NRG Esports
Snap (9) Counter Logic Gaming
Snap (10) Counter Logic Gaming
Snap (11) NRG Esports
Snap (12) OpTic Gaming
Snap (13) Rush
Snap (14) Rush
Snap (15) OpTic Gaming
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@DevinTripp歡迎隊友:)伴侶,如果你閱讀蘋果swift文檔,那麼你將得到足夠的知識開發應用程序在迅速朗,沒有大的任務:) –
你告訴我你讀所有來自蘋果的文檔,這是您使用的唯一資源。我希望這很容易。我不明白很多的語法,所以對我來說有點困難。我接受了答案,我非常感謝D! –