2016-10-11 101 views





  1. 如果列A中的單元格與列B:F中的單元格相同,則將它們的字體繪製爲橙色。
  2. 如果列A中的單元格高於列B:F中的單元格,則將它們的字體塗成紅色。
  3. 如果列A中的單元格低於列B:F中的單元格,則將它們的字體繪製爲綠色。
  4. 如果A列與其餘列(B:F)之間的絕對差值小於1,則將它們的字體塗成橙色。



Sub ConditionalFormating() 
Dim i, j, a As Double 
    a = 0.99 
    i = 2 
    j = 2 

    For j = 1 To 6  
    For i = 2 To 10 

    ActiveSheet.Cells(i, j).Select 

    If ActiveSheet.Cells(i, j) - ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 1) >= a Then 

    With Selection.Interior 
     .Pattern = xlSolid 
     .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic 
     .Color = RGB(255, 156, 0) 
     .TintAndShade = 0 
     .PatternTintAndShade = 0 
    End With 
    End If 

    If ActiveSheet.Cells(i, j) - ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 1) <= a Then 

    With Selection.Interior 
     .Pattern = xlSolid 
     .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic 
     .Color = RGB(255, 156, 0) 
     .TintAndShade = 0 
     .PatternTintAndShade = 0 
    End With 
    End If 

    If ActiveSheet.Cells(i, j) > ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 1) Then 

    With Selection.Interior 
     .Pattern = xlSolid 
     .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic 
     .Color = RGB(0, 255, 0) 
     .TintAndShade = 0 
     .PatternTintAndShade = 0 
    End With 
    End If 

    If ActiveSheet.Cells(i, j) < ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 1) Then 

    With Selection.Interior 
     .Pattern = xlSolid 
     .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic 
     .Color = RGB(255, 0, 0) 
     .TintAndShade = 0 
     .PatternTintAndShade = 0 
    End With 
    End If 

End Sub 




順便說一句,該模式屬性指的是對角線,鑽石形狀,點等都是在細胞繪製的老格式化模式。所以,也許你應該只寫Selection.Color = RGB(255,156,0) – z32a7ul


你不需要選擇單元格,它更有效率,如果你只是用ActiveSheet.Cells(i,j)寫入 – z32a7ul


你需要在vba中執行它?正常的條件格式化似乎是爲我做的。 –



要爲字體着色,必須使用Range的Font屬性,如:Selection.Font.Color = RGB(255,128,0)。



Option Explicit 

Sub ConditionalFormating() 
    Dim cell As Range, cell2 As Range, dataRng As Range 
    Dim colOrange As Long, colRed As Long, colGreen As Long, col As Long 

    colOrange = RGB(255, 156, 0) 
    colRed = RGB(255, 0, 0) 
    colGreen = RGB(0, 255, 0) 

    With Worksheets("CF") '<--| reference the relevant worksheet (change "CF" to your actual worksheet name) 
     Set dataRng = Intersect(.Columns("B:F"), .UsedRange) 
     For Each cell In .Range("A2", .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants) '<-- loop through its column "A" not empty cells from row 1 down to last not empty one 
      If WorksheetFunction.CountA(Intersect(dataRng, cell.EntireRow)) > 0 Then ' if current row has data 
       For Each cell2 In Intersect(dataRng, cell.EntireRow).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants) ' loop through current column "A" cell row not empty cells 
        Select Case True '<-- check the current datum against the following conditions 
         Case cell2.Value = cell.Value Or Abs(cell.Value - cell2.Value) < 1 'if current datum equals corresponding value in column "A" or their absolute difference is lower than 1 
          col = colOrange 
         Case cell2.Value < cell.Value 'if current datum is lower then corresponding value in column "A" 
          col = colRed 
         Case cell2.Value > cell.Value 'if current datum is higher then corresponding value in column "A" 
          col = colGreen 
        End Select 
        With cell2.Interior 
         .Pattern = xlSolid 
         .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic 
         .Color = col 
         .TintAndShade = 0 
         .PatternTintAndShade = 0 
        End With 
       Next cell2 
      End If 
     Next cell 
    End With 
End Sub 

非常感謝您的幫助!真的很感激它!當我的數據從列A開始時,代碼工作得很好,但似乎在列A之前還有其他列時,第四個條件仍未滿足。任何想法,爲什麼會發生? – evita8613


事實上,我的列A(名爲C_O_P)總是在第14列(即列N)! – evita8613


不客氣。根據本網站的規則1)如果我已經完成了你的_original_問題(處理_「列A,列B,C,D,E和F」_),你應該通過點擊答案旁邊的複選標記來將我的答案標記爲已接受將它從灰色切換到填充。2)如果出現新問題,您應該先嚐試通過自己的代碼來解決它們。如果您沒有成功,請發表一篇新文章,展示您的編碼工作 – user3598756