典型用法:在perldoc -f fork
use POSIX ':sys_wait_h'; # for &WNOHANG
# how to create a new background process
$pid = fork();
if (!defined $pid) { die "fork() failed!" }
if ($pid == 0) { # child
# ... do stuff in background ...
exit 0; # don't forget to exit or die from the child process
# else this is the parent, $pid contains process id of child process
# ... do stuff in foreground ...
# how to tell if a process is finished
# also see perldoc perlipc
$pid = waitpid -1, 0; # blocking wait for any process
$pid = wait; # blocking wait for any process
$pid = waitpid $mypid, 0; # blocking wait for process $mypid
# after blocking wait/waitpid
if ($pid == -1) {
print "All child processes are finished.\n";
} else {
print "Process $pid is finished.\n";
print "The exit status of process $pid was $?\n";
$pid = waitpid -1, &WNOHANG; # non-blocking wait for any process
$pid = waitpid $mypid, 0; # blocking wait for process $mypid
if ($pid == -1) {
print "No child processes have finished since last wait/waitpid call.\n";
} else {
print "Process $pid is finished.\n";
print "The exit status of process $pid was $?\n";
# terminating a process - see perldoc -f kill or perldoc perlipc
# this can be flaky on Windows
kill 'INT', $pid; # send SIGINT to process $pid
open X, ">", $file;
if (fork() == 0) { # in child
print X "Child\n";
close X;
exit 0;
# in parent
sleep 1;
print X "Parent\n";
close X;
2010-06-18 02:00:36
更像是一個工作,但也許你可以每當一個進程開始時,寫一個文件,當它退出刪除文件或類似的東西......有一個主要的腳本來監視這些文件左右...... – Prix 2010-06-18 01:32:43