2015-08-26 134 views

經過一番研究,我無法找到爲什麼我在此codeacademy練習中得到指定的錯誤(SyntaxError: 'return' outside function)。「返回外部函數」錯誤

name=input(" input name ") 
print("welcome, {}".format (name)) 

class player(): 

    def __init__(self, atk, hp,): 

    def __str__(self): 
     return "{}, {}".format (self.atk, self.hp) 

input("Time for a questionnaire to define your stats") 
input("press enter to continue....") 
print("in an intense battle when both you and your enemy are on the edge of consciousness and you have a chance to flee do you finish off the opponent taking a chance on being struck down or do you flee with your life?") 
statq1=input("fight or flee") 
if statq1 == "fight": 
    return 5+self 
elif statq1 == "flee": 
    return 5+hp 

它告訴你'return'是功能之外,因爲它_is_(這就是壞的)。我建議刷新縮進以及'return'語句的具體含義。 – TigerhawkT3


您能否提供一個最簡單的工作示例?您在問題中提供的代碼根本不可用。 – XaF


那我該如何解決這個問題呢? –





def start(): 
    input("Time for a questionnaire to define your stats") 
    input("press enter to continue....") 
    print("in an intense battle when both you and your enemy are on the edge of consciousness and you have a chance to flee do you finish off the opponent taking a chance on being struck down or do you flee with your life?") 
    statq1=input("fight or flee") 
    if statq1 == "fight": 
     return 5+self 
    elif statq1 == "flee": 
     return 5+hp 


謝謝,這可以幫助我很多 –


@ErRds'返回'大致意味着像「退出一個函數,並帶回你的價值」。如果你把'return'放在外部範圍內,而沒有功能,它應該去哪裏?困惑? Python也是如此。因此,錯誤。 :) –


@CasualDemon 謝謝了。 認爲這讓我更清楚地知道爲什麼我不斷得到返回錯誤的類型。 –