我在我的代碼上收到SyntaxError 'return outside function'
def temp(T, from_unit, to_unit) : # Function for temperature
""" Convert between Fahrenheit, Celsius, or Kelvin. Where from_unit and to_unit are temperature units, either 'F' (or 'f')
for Fahrenheit, or 'C' (or 'c') for Celsius, or 'K'(or 'k') for Kelvin; and T is a temperature number (of float) for the
unit from_unit """
if from_unit == to_unit:
return T
對於那些投票關閉這個問題,我米不太確定這是一個簡單的印刷錯誤。文檔字符串應該不是很明顯因爲大多數新用戶會認爲文檔字符串是一種榮耀的評論,並沒有縮進限制。作爲證據,請看[@BenWhaley](http://stackoverflow.com/a/21805104/1399279)的回答,他稱這個文檔字符串是一個評論(它說明了他們可以很容易被混淆。) – SethMMorton