2017-07-25 54 views

我想通過這個結構,並得到一個基於數組的假期,我試過了一切,它不會工作,找到假期就像1 11是假期.. 一切都是正確的,除了功能如何找到一個基於數組和結構的假期

const int MAX_DATES = 60,  // Max number of holidays in list 60 
MAX_NAME_LEN = 81; // Max length of holiday name 81 

#include <iostream> 
#include <fstream> 

using namespace::std; 

// Definition of DayData type 
struct DayData 
int month,     // Month/day of holiday 
char holiday[MAX_NAME_LEN]; // Name of holiday 

// Function prototype 
void findHoliday(const DayData holidayList[], int listLength, 
int month, int day, char holidayCopy[]); 

void main() 
DayData holidayList[MAX_DATES]; // List of holidays 
int count = 0,     // Number of holidays in list 
    searchMonth,      // Input month/day 
char holidayName[MAX_NAME_LEN]; // Name of selected holiday 

            // Open the designated file for input. 
ifstream holidayFile("D:\\c++ class week 
if (!holidayFile) { 
    cout << "Can NOT open file " << endl; 

// Read in the list of holidays. 
while (holidayFile.good() && holidayFile >> 
    holidayList[count].month >> holidayList[count].day) 
    holidayFile.get(); // Remove blank after day from the stream 
     MAX_NAME_LEN, '\n'); // Read holiday name 
    count++;      // including spaces 

// Close the file. 

// Prompt the user for the date of the desired hoilday. 
cout << endl << "Enter the month and day for a holiday: "; 
cin >> searchMonth >> searchDay; 

// Display the holiday (if any) for the requested date. 
findHoliday(holidayList, count, searchMonth, searchDay, holidayName); 
if (holidayName[0] != '\0') 
    cout << holidayName << endl; 
    cout << "No holiday listed" << endl; 

void findHoliday(const DayData holidayList[], int listLength, 
int month, int day, char holidayCopy[]) 
int i; 
int j = 0; 
for (i = 0; i < listLength; i++) { // for how many elements are in the array 

    if ((holidayList[i].month == month) && (holidayList[i].day == day)) { 
     // this line is the problem line below 
     strcpy(holidayCopy, holidayList[i].holiday); 

    } else { 
      holidayCopy[j] = '\0'; 

} // end findHoliday 

請指出該函數應該做什麼(它如何找到假期,參數是如何使用的......)。此外,我們可能需要知道DayData類型是什麼(它是如何定義的......) – HatsuPointerKun


@HatsuPointerKun我添加了程序 – katie




void findHoliday(const DayData holidayList[], int listLength, 
int month, int day, char holidayCopy[]) 
int i; 
int j = 0; 
for (i = 0; i < listLength; i++) { // for how many elements are in the array 

    if ((holidayList[i].month == month) && (holidayList[i].day == day)) { 
     // this line is the problem line below 
     strcpy(holidayCopy, holidayList[i].holiday); 
     return; // break also works 

    } else { 
      holidayCopy[j] = '\0'; 

} // end findHoliday 

的其餘部分,但爲什麼如果它表示無效則需要返回語句? – katie


這意味着你在'return'處終止函數而不運行以下代碼。 – cycycyc


或者使用'break'更清晰。這意味着你跳出了'break'的for循環,這意味着你不會考慮列表中的其他日期,因爲你已經找到了你想要的。 – cycycyc
