我試圖製作一個腳本,它讀取crunchyroll的rss並訪問LINK中的最新上傳和下載信息。 過程如下所示: 1.)閱讀來自RSS的最新一集鏈接。 2.)轉到鏈接 3.)在源代碼中,查找文本「ssid」。 4.)獲取ssid的6個字符。 5.)然後將這些字符追加到「http://www.crunchyroll.com/xml/?req=RpcApiSubtitle_GetXml&subtitle_script_id=」的末尾,並保存xml頁面。如何在python的請求庫中使用變量
我的代碼: -
import feedparser
import webbrowser
import os
import subprocess
import re
import urllib
import urllib2
from urllib2 import urlopen
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import cookielib
feed = feedparser.parse('http://www.crunchyroll.com/rss/anime') #checks the RSS
url = feed['entries'][0]['link'] + '?p720=1' # get's the link from latest release and appends some character for the 720p resolution of the link.
# Now, here, I'm writing this URL to a text file and then read from the text file
file = open("newfile.txt", "w")
file = open('newfile.txt', 'r')
#print file.read()
lobo = file.read()
print lobo
# Now, I put the URL that is being read from file in requests to go to the link. Everything works fine till here.
r = requests.get(lobo)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text)
print soup.title
subtitles = soup.findAll('span',{'class':'showmedia-subtitle-text'})
for ssid in subtitles:
x = ssid.find_all('a', limit=1)
for a in x:
print a['href'][-6:]
xmlLink = 'http://www.crunchyroll.com/xml/?req=RpcApiSubtitle_GetXml&subtitle_script_id=' + a['href'][-6:]
print xmlLink
現在,我得到錯誤 'A' 在這個xmlLink沒有定義。
但是,它有一個轉折...如果我把直接的http鏈接放在「r = requests.get(lobo)」..一切都像它應該的那樣工作。但是,如果我使用這個變量。它不工作。
好,它去掉了錯誤,但是,問題是,SSID的值不能分析在結尾的鏈接...不知道爲什麼... – Xonshiz