我使用VB.Net撰寫郵件,該郵件在Outlook 2013
Private m_valDefaultFontSpec As DefaultFont
Sub GetDefaultFontSpec(Optional blnGetReplyFont As Boolean = False)
Dim objDoc As Document
Dim rng As Range
Dim objDummy As MailItem
On Error Resume Next
' Create a "dummy" mail object,
Set objDummy = Application.CreateItem(olMailItem)
' Get the document object from the current "dummy mail" object.
Set objDoc = objDummy.GetInspector.WordEditor //returns nothing here
' Get the range of the word document object.
Set rng = objDoc.Range
' Get some font properties from the given range.
With rng
m_valDefaultFontSpec.Name = .Font.Name
m_valDefaultFontSpec.Size = .Font.Size
m_valDefaultFontSpec.Bold = .Font.Bold
m_valDefaultFontSpec.Color = .Font.Color
m_valDefaultFontSpec.Italic = .Font.Italic
End With
' Finished with the "dummy" mail, close it.
objDummy.Close olDiscard
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
我需要獲取用戶在撰寫電子郵件期間設置的默認字體。現在全部默認爲TimesNewRoman。何處/如何獲取默認字體? – iamCR
爲什麼不在設置HTMLBody時明確指定正確的字體? –
正確的字體是用戶定義的字體。所以我需要從Outlook中的某處獲取它(如代碼中所示)。 – iamCR