2011-11-11 34 views



$.fn.somePlugin = function() { 
    return this.each(function() { 
     // Here the plugins does its goal. 


  • 選項getter和setter(如在jQuery的UI)
  • 方法(如在jQuery的UI)
  • 一些方法來改變默認選項。當然,這應該在不修改插件文件的情況下完成(再次像jQuery-ui)。

它會是你的「模型插件」? (以最好的方式實現這一點和其他一些你認爲必要的事情)。




http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Authoring有一些相當不錯的指引 –


你在寫你自己的庫或者是你想擴展了jQuery核心庫? – Incognito


我會避免jQuery插件作爲架構模式。這是一個非常糟糕的模式。請使用模塊加載器和模塊代碼代替 – Raynos



jQuery的文檔對插件開發的一部分: http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Authoring

與這裏的距離Ben almans對插件開發的談話從波士頓jQuery的會議 「幻燈片」:


和一個來自ben alman的關於編寫插件的更多鏈接。



根據我建立自己的模板的所有這些鏈接。當我完成測試後,我會發佈一個鏈接。 – Diego



(function ($, plugin) { 
    "use strict"; 

    $[plugin] = function (options/* params */) { 
    var settings; 
    settings = $.extend({}, $[plugin].defaultSettings, options); 
    //static funciton code here 

    $.fn[plugin] = function (options/* params */) { 
    this.each(function (index, element) { 
     var settings, $this; 
     settings = $.extend({}, $.fn[plugin].defaultSettings, options); 
     $this = $(this); 
     $this.data(plugin+'Settings', settings); 
     //chainable function code here 
    return this; 

    $[plugin].defaultSettings = { 
    'foo': 'bar' 

    $.fn[plugin].defaultSettings = { 
    'fizz': 'buzz' 

    //document.ready initialization code here 
}(jQuery, 'foo')); 



$.each('foo bar baz'.split(' '), function(i, name) { 
    $.fn[name] = function(data,fn){ 
    if (fn == null) { 
     fn = data; 
     data = null; 
    return arguments.length > 0 ? 
     this.bind(name, data, fn) : 



請注意,所有這些部分都是可選的。這是完全有效的,沒有任何document.ready或靜態代碼 – Raynos


這並沒有達到我要求的所有事情。我在調用插件後如何獲得或設置選項? – Diego


@Diego,乞丐不能選擇器:-p你如何處理參數取決於你。您需要全面瞭解您計劃支持的每種不同方法簽名,並且需要進行類型檢查以查看是否提供了正確的參數。 – zzzzBov


我一直在使用以下模板很長一段時間了,它似乎做所需要的一切,以及提供傳統的jQuery的腳本,如:$.myPlugin("element", {options})$.myPlugin({options}, callback),或「$(‘元素’)爲myplugin ();

(function($) { 
    if (!$.myExample) { // check your plugin namespace does not already exist 
     $.extend({ // this will allow you to add your plugin to the jQuery lib 
      myExample: function(elm, command, args) { 
       // keep in mind, right here you might want to do a class or data check to determine which direction this call is going 
       // for example, upon init the plugin on an element you may add the plugin name as a class, 
       //  this way, when it's recalled, you can see it alrady has that class and might be calling a command, 
       //   thus make an if statemnt to push the process through 
       return elm.each(function(index){ 
        // do work to each element as its passed through 
        // be sure to use something like 
        // return elm.each(function(e) { dor work }); 
        // as your final statement in order to maintain "chainability" 
     $.fn.extend({ // this gives the chainability functionality seen with $ funcs like: $("#eleID").css("color", "red") <--returns original element object 
      myExample: function(command) { 
       return $.myExample($(this), command, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); 
     $.myExample.props = { // Here you can establish specific properties to your plugin, prehaps even make them "Over-writable" 
      key1: "value", 
      key2: "value" 
     $.myExample.methods = { // Here you can establish specific methods/functions for your plguin to carry out and maintain your namespace as well 
      key1: function(param) { 
       /* do work */ 
      key2: function(param) { 
       /* do work */ 
     // This next part is not seen in many plugins but useful depending on what you're creating 
     $.myExample.init = function(param) { // If you have an initialize method to apply, namespace it in here and calll on initializing your plugin 
      var key = "value", 
       key2 = { 
        subKey: "value" 
       /run any number of initializing functions here 
       /I prefer to make my param a value that can be a 
       / string with a possible object 
       / the string for holding a base configuration 
       / the object for any change in properties or base values for that config 
     $.myExample.defaults = { // establish base properties here that can be over-written via .props, but their values should never truly change 
      key1: "value", 
      key2: { 
       prop1: { 
        subKey1: "value", 
        subKey2: "value" 
       prop2: { 
        subKey1: "value" 
      key3: function(param) { 
