2016-06-13 67 views

在我的Grails Web應用程序,我有以下域類:Grails的3:使用的findAll與連接表




  1. Customer對象中過濾集合?例如customer.addresses.findAll{...}
  2. 從數據庫直接查詢?我如何添加Customer<->Address關係的限制。 belongsToAddress域類是沒有選擇的,因爲Address對象用於幾個1:n的關係。例如Customer.findAll(...)
  3. 還有其他的選擇嗎?




static constraints = { 
addresses(validator: checkAddress) 
    // This is a static method which is used for validation 
    // and can be used for when inserting a record to check how many 
    // existing addresses exist for the end user that has countryCode of US 
    // This is directly bound to all the object the user and will 
    // will not be searching the entire DB (A local find limited to user records) 
static def checkAddress={val,obj,errors-> 
     if (!obj?.addresses.findAll{it.countryCode=='US'}?.size() >= 2) { 
      return errors.rejectValue('adress','exceeds limit') 



class Customer { 
    def userService 
    //UserAddress does not have setter transients not essential 
    static transients = ['userAddress','userService'] 

    //This is a protected function that will return an address 
    // object given a countryCode 
    // Execute like this: 
    // Customer cm = Customer.get(customer.id as Long) 
    //Address usa = cm.getCountry('US') 

    protected Address getUserAddress(String countryCode) { 
    return userService.findAddress(countryCode, this.id) 


class UserSerice { 
// This should return the entire address object back to the domain class 
// that called it and will be quicker more efficient than findAll 
Address findAddress(String countryCode, Long customerId) { 
    String query=""" 
     select address from Address a 
     where a.id :id and countryCode = :code 
    def inputParams=[code:countryCode, id:customerId] 
     return Address.executeQuery(query,inputParams,[readOnly:true,timeout:15]) 


class Customer { 
    static hasMany = [ 
     addresses: Address 
     //probably don't even need this 
     //, userCountries:UserCountries 

Class UserCountries { 
    // register customer 
    Customer customer 
    String CountryCode 
    //maybe address object or Long addressId - depending on if how plain you wanted this to be 
    Address address 



我仍然認爲這樣簡單的工作 //這隻會做一個查找與地址的所有綁定對象綁定到這個客戶。所以這個特定客戶

protected def getCustomAddress(String countryCode) { 
    return addresses.findAll{it.code==countryCode} 


class Customer { 
    String _bindAddress 
    List bindAddress=[] 

    static transients = [ 'bindAddress' ] 

    static constraints = { 

    //you store a flat CSV as _bindAddress 
    //you need to work out your own logic to ammend to existing CSV each time address is added 
    // you will also update _bindAddress of this domainClass each time customer gets a hasMany address added 
    // so no need for setBindAddress 
// void setBindAddress(String b) { 
// bindAddress=b.split(',') 
// } 
    //Inorder to set a list back to flat file 
    //pass in list object 
    void setBindAddress(List bindAddress) { 
    /for 1 element this captures better 
    //This is now your object as a list that you can query for what you are querying. 
    List getBindAdress() { 
    return _bindAddress.split(',') 



def found = customer.bindAddress.find{it.startsWith('US-')} 
Address usaAddress= Address.get(found.split('-')[1] as Long) 
//Slightly longer explaining above: 
def found = customer.bindAddress.find{it.startsWith('US-')} 
def record = found.split('-') 
String countryCode=record[0] 
Long addressId=record[1] as Long 
Address usaAddress= Address.get(addressId) 

約束如何幫助我實現過濾功能(例如獲取美國客戶的所有地址)? 'checkAddress'只驗證'addresses'和'checkAddress2'' findAllByCustomer'中不超過2個對象是不可能的,因爲'Address'沒有'customer'字段 – Andreas


obj?.addresses.findAll {it.country = ='美國'}?可能。 @Andreas – Vahid


這實際上是一個問題,這樣做的缺點是集合的所有對象(在本例中爲地址)從數據庫中獲取 – Andreas