public byte[] ConvertToDsaSignatureToJavaEncoding(byte[] dsa){
throw new ArgumentException("dsa", "DSA signature should always be 40 bytes long");
// Split into r and s.
byte[] r = new byte[20];
Array.Copy(dsa, 0, r, 0, 20);
byte[] s = new byte[20];
Array.Copy(dsa, 20, s, 0, 20);
// Convert to complement-2
byte[] complementTwoR = ToComplementTwo(r);
byte[] complementTwoS = ToComplementTwo(s);
// Build the result
byte[] res = new byte[complementTwoR.Length + complementTwoS.Length + 6];
// Sequence{
res[0] = 0x30;
res[1] = (byte) (complementTwoR.Length + complementTwoS.Length + 4);
// Integer (R)
res[2] = 0x02;
res[3] = (byte) complementTwoR.Length;
Array.Copy(complementTwoR, 0, res, 4, complementTwoR.Length);
// Integer (S)
res[complementTwoR.Length + 4] = 0x02;
res[complementTwoR.Length + 5] = (byte) complementTwoS.Length;
Array.Copy(complementTwoS, 0, res, complementTwoR.Length + 6, complementTwoS.Length);
return res;
public byte[] ToComplementTwo(byte[] d){
// Ensure the top-bit is zero, otherwise remove unneeded zeroes
// - Find non-zero byte
int i = 0;
while (i < d.Length && d[i] == 0) i++;
// - Do we need an extra byte
int extraByte = (d[i] & 0x80) == 1 ? 1 : 0;
// - Build the result
byte[] res = new byte[d.Length-i+extraByte];
Array.Copy(d, i, res, extraByte, d.Length-i);
return res;
太棒了!謝謝!仍然無法成功驗證字節數組,但我不再有異常了!一個微小的錯誤遺留下來:Array.Copy(complementTwoS,0,res,6,complementTwoS.Length) - 6應該是26.10x! – Danail 2009-12-16 20:20:22