#include <cutil.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <string.h>
#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(MACOSX)
#include <GLUT/glut.h>
#include <GL/glut.h>
#include <cuda_gl_interop.h>
#include "fluid_system_kern.cu"
extern "C"
// Compute number of blocks to create
int iDivUp (int a, int b) {
return (a % b != 0) ? (a/b + 1) : (a/b);
void computeNumBlocks (int numPnts, int minThreads, int &numBlocks, int &numThreads)
numThreads = min(minThreads, numPnts);
numBlocks = iDivUp (numPnts, numThreads);
void Grid_InsertParticlesCUDA (uchar* data, uint stride, uint numPoints)
int numThreads, numBlocks;
computeNumBlocks (numPoints, 256, numBlocks, numThreads);
// transfer point data to device
char* pntData;
size = numPoints * stride;
cudaMalloc((void**) &pntData, size);
cudaMemcpy(pntData, data, size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
// execute the kernel
insertParticles<<< numBlocks, numThreads >>> (pntData, stride);
// transfer data back to host
cudaMemcpy(data, pntData, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
// check if kernel invocation generated an error
CUT_CHECK_ERROR("Kernel execution failed");
src/fluid_system.cu(30): error : incomplete type is not allowed (points to line -> "void Grid_InsertParticleCUDA")
src/fluid_system.cu(30): error : identifier "uchar" is undefined (points to line -> "void Grid_InsertParticleCUDA")
src/fluid_system.cu(30): error : identifier "data" is undefined (points to line -> "void Grid_InsertParticleCUDA")
src/fluid_system.cu(30): error : expected a ")" (points to line -> "void Grid_InsertParticleCUDA")
src/fluid_system.cu(31): error : expected a ";" (points to line after line-> "void Grid_InsertParticleCUDA")
我不明白什麼似乎是這個問題。因爲我沒有看到有什麼奇怪的線。我使用CUDA 4.2
'uchar'和'沒有定義uint'。你的意思是'unsigned char'和'unsigned int'嗎? –
也許我錯了,但是看起來''''extern「C」'後沒有關閉? – JackOLantern