2016-11-02 43 views


First way to combine


Second way to combine





怎麼樣的兩個列表合併爲一個柱,然後用[「刪除重複」](https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Filter-for-unique- values-or-remove-duplicate-values-ccf664b0-81d6-449b-bbe1-8daaec1e83c2)內置於Excel中的函數?然後,如果格式化消失,只需使用條件式格式來說「如果x在列表1中,則爲綠色,否則爲橙色」。你有什麼嘗試? – BruceWayne


我實際上剛剛添加了顏色以突出顯示組合列表如何作爲視覺幫助排序,但它不是請求的一部分。將列表組合成一列並刪除重複的結果會產生第一個結果。 –


由於@BruceWayne提到你可以使用remove duplicates函數來做到這一點。如果你真的想使用VBA,可以將這些列附加在一起,並使用類似於'ActiveSheet.Range(「$ M $ 2:$ M $ 100」)的東西。RemoveDuplicates Columns:= 1,Header:= xlYes'。 –




Sub foo() 
Dim rng As Range 
Dim ws As Worksheet 
Dim i&, j&, t& 
Dim dict As Object 
Dim iArr() As Variant 
Dim oarr() As Variant 
Dim itm As Variant 
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 

Set ws = ActiveSheet 
With ws 
    Set rng = .Range("A:B").Find("*", .Range("A1"), , , , xlPrevious) 
    If Not rng Is Nothing Then 
     iArr = .Range(.Cells(2, 1), .Cells(rng.Row, 2)).Value 
     For i = LBound(iArr, 1) To UBound(iArr, 1) 
      For j = LBound(iArr, 2) To UBound(iArr, 2) 
       If iArr(i, j) <> "" Then 
        On Error Resume Next 
        dict.Add iArr(i, j), iArr(i, j) 
        On Error GoTo 0 
       End If 
      Next j 
     Next i 
    End If 

    'If your dataset is not that large <30,000, then you can use it directly with transpose 
    .Range("C2").Resize(dict.Count) = Application.Transpose(dict.items) 
    'If your data is large then you will want to put it in a one dimensional array first 
    'just uncomment the below and comment the one line above 
' ReDim oarr(1 To dict.Count, 1 To 1) 
' t = 1 
' For Each itm In dict.keys 
'  oarr(t, 1) = dict(itm) 
'  t = t + 1 
' Next itm 
' Range("C2").Resize(dict.Count) = oarr 
End With 
End Sub 


Public Function UnqList(ByVal lIndex As Long, ParamArray rLists() As Variant) As Variant 

    Dim i As Long, j As Long 
    Dim vList As Variant 
    Dim cUnq As Collection 
    Dim lMaxRow As Long, lMaxCol As Long 

    If lIndex <= 0 Then 
     UnqList = CVErr(xlErrRef) 
     Exit Function 
    End If 

    For Each vList In rLists 
     If TypeName(vList) <> "Range" Then 
      UnqList = CVErr(xlErrRef) 
      Exit Function 
      If vList.Rows.Count > lMaxRow Then lMaxRow = vList.Rows.Count 
      If vList.Columns.Count > lMaxCol Then lMaxCol = vList.Columns.Count 
     End If 
    Next vList 

    Set cUnq = New Collection 

    For i = 1 To lMaxRow 
     For j = 1 To lMaxCol 
      For Each vList In rLists 
       If i <= vList.Rows.Count And j <= vList.Columns.Count Then 
        On Error Resume Next 
        cUnq.Add vList.Cells(i, j).Value, CStr(vList.Cells(i, j).Value) 
        On Error GoTo 0 
        If lIndex = cUnq.Count Then 
         UnqList = cUnq(cUnq.Count) 
         Set cUnq = Nothing 
         Exit Function 
        End If 
       End If 
      Next vList 
     Next j 
    Next i 

    UnqList = CVErr(xlErrRef) 
    Set cUnq = Nothing 

End Function 

您可以使用我的Duplicate Master插件通過我的個人資料。


  • 忽略capitilisation
  • 忽略空白
  • 運行RegExp置換(高級)
  • 爲deletinf進一步選擇,突出顯示,選擇重複等

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