2011-05-09 59 views


SECURITY_STATUS SEC_Entry EnumerateSecurityPackages(
    __in PULONG pcPackages, 
    __in PSecPkgInfo *ppPackageInfo 


public struct SecPkgInfo 
    public ulong fCapabilities; 
    public ushort wVersion; 
    public ushort wRPCID; 
    public ulong cbMaxToken; 
    public string Name; 
    public string Comment; 

public extern static int EnumerateSecurityPackages(
    ref ulong pcPackages, 
    ref SecPkgInfo[] ppPackageInfo 

///Calling code 
ulong count = 0; 
SecPkgInfo[] buffer = new SecPkgInfo[256]; 
EnumerateSecurityPackages(ref count, ref buffer); 





public static List<SecPkgInfo> Call_EnumerateSecurityPackages() 
     //Will hold the number of security packages found 
     UInt32 count = 0; 

     //Will hold a pointer to our array 
     IntPtr SourcePoint = IntPtr.Zero; 

     //Call function 
     int MSG = EnumerateSecurityPackages(ref count, ref SourcePoint); 
     //See if there was an error 
     if (MSG == 0) 
      //Create a copy of our pointer so that we can clear it later 
      IntPtr ArrayPtr = new IntPtr(SourcePoint.ToInt32()); 
      //The type of our structure 
      Type T = typeof(SecPkgInfo); 
      //The size of our structure 
      int ObjSize = Marshal.SizeOf(T); 
      //We'll store our information in a standard list object 
      List<SecPkgInfo> SecPackages = new List<SecPkgInfo>(); 

      //Create a loop and increment our pointer by the size of the SecPkgInfo structure, effectively walking the array 
      for (ulong I = 0; I <= (count - 1); I++) 
       //This converts the current bytes at the pointer to the given structure 
       SecPackages.Add((SecPkgInfo)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ArrayPtr, T)); 

       //Increment our pointer by the size of the structure 
       ArrayPtr = IntPtr.Add(ArrayPtr, ObjSize); 

      //Cleanup our pointer 
      MSG = FreeContextBuffer(ref SourcePoint); 

      //Make sure cleanup worked 
      if (MSG == 0) 
       //Return our values 
       return SecPackages; 
       //Do something better with the error code here 
       throw new ApplicationException("Error cleaning up pointer"); 
      //Do something better with the error code here 
      throw new ApplicationException("Error calling native function"); 


    public struct SecPkgInfo 
     //ulong is 32 bit so we need to use a 32 bit int 
     public UInt32 fCapabilities; 
     //ushort is 16 bit 
     public UInt16 wVersion; 
     public UInt16 wRPCID; 
     public UInt32 cbMaxToken; 
     public string Name; 
     public string Comment; 

    public static extern int EnumerateSecurityPackages(ref UInt32 pcPackages, ref IntPtr ppPackageInfo); 

    public static extern int FreeContextBuffer(ref IntPtr pvContextBuffer); 


Public Shared Function Call_EnumerateSecurityPackages() As List(Of SecPkgInfo) 
    ''//Will hold the number of security packages found 
    Dim count As UInt32 = 0 

    ''//Will hold a pointer to our array 
    Dim SourcePoint As IntPtr 

    ''//Call function 
    Dim MSG = EnumerateSecurityPackages(count, SourcePoint) 
    ''//See if there was an error 
    If MSG = 0 Then 
     ''//Create a copy of our pointer so that we can clear it later 
     Dim ArrayPtr As New IntPtr(SourcePoint.ToInt32()) 
     ''//The type of our structure 
     Dim T = GetType(SecPkgInfo) 
     ''//The size of our structure 
     Dim ObjSize = Marshal.SizeOf(T) 
     ''//We will store our information in a standard list object 
     Dim SecPackages As New List(Of SecPkgInfo) 

     ''//Create a loop and increment our pointer by the size of the SecPkgInfo structure, effectively walking the array 
     For I = 0 To (count - 1) 
      ''//This converts the current bytes at the pointer to the given structure 
      SecPackages.Add(CType(Marshal.PtrToStructure(ArrayPtr, T), SecPkgInfo)) 
      ''//Increment our pointer by the size of the structure 
      ArrayPtr = IntPtr.Add(ArrayPtr, ObjSize) 

     ''//Cleanup our pointer 
     MSG = FreeContextBuffer(SourcePoint) 

     ''//Make sure cleanup worked 
     If MSG = 0 Then 
      ''//Return our values 
      Return SecPackages 
      ''//Do something better with the error code here 
      Throw New ApplicationException("Error cleaning up pointer") 
     End If 
     ''//Do something better with the error code here 
     Throw New ApplicationException("Error calling native function") 
    End If 

End Function 

Public Structure SecPkgInfo 
    Public fCapabilities As UInt32 ''//ulong is 32 bit so we need to use a 32 bit int 
    Public wVersion As UInt16 ''//ushort is 16 bit 
    Public wRPCID As UInt16 
    Public cbMaxToken As UInt32 
    <MarshalAs(System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType.LPStr)> Public Name As String 
    <MarshalAs(System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType.LPStr)> Public Comment As String 
End Structure 

Public Shared Function EnumerateSecurityPackages(ByRef pcPackages As UInt32, ByRef ppPackageInfo As IntPtr) As Integer 
End Function 

Public Shared Function FreeContextBuffer(ByRef pvContextBuffer As IntPtr) As Integer 
End Function 

您對SecPkgInfo的定義不正確,C的ULONG!= C#的ulong。你還需要非常清楚地指定如何通過元帥編組姓名和評論


我切換ULONG爲int,這似乎仍然工作正常。我還在名稱和註釋中添加了以下內容:[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)],我仍然得到一個AccessViolationException「嘗試讀取或寫入受保護的內存,這通常表示其他內存已損壞。」 – chotchki 2011-05-09 17:45:29


您需要檢查EnumerateSecurityPackages的語義 - 是否期望Name和Comment已指向現有緩衝區?誰將分配內存?此外,你想要編組爲LPWStr。 – 2011-05-09 18:37:10


ULONG = uint32不是uint64。 – Joshua 2011-05-09 20:05:46