2013-11-23 33 views

提出一個新問題,導致我的老人在花費很長時間去編輯它後死亡。 所以我試圖擺脫這個代碼所有這些參數(是的,有些參數是多餘的,但我只是說他們櫃面)的:如何使用Structs?

#include <stdio.h> 

int main() 
    //Top coord. of the square 
    int top_x1 = 0; 
    int top_y1 = 10; 
    int top_x2 = 10; 
    int top_y2 = 10; 

    //Bottom coord. of the square 
    int bottom_x1 = 0; 
    int bottom_y1 = 0; 
    int bottom_x2 = 10; 
    int bottom_y2 = 0; 

    //Left coord. of the square 
    int left_x1 = 0; 
    int left_y1 = 0; 
    int left_x2 = 0; 
    int left_y2 = 10; 

    //Right coord. of the square 
    int right_x1 = 10; 
    int right_y1 = 0; 
    int right_x2 = 10; 
    int right_y2 = 10; 

    parameter(top_x1, top_y1, top_x2, top_y2, bottom_x1, 
       bottom_y1, bottom_x2, bottom_y2, left_x1, 
       left_y1, left_x2, left_y2, right_x1, right_y1, 
       right_x2, right_y2); 

parameter (int top_x1,int top_y1,int top_x2,int top_y2,int bottom_x1, 
       int bottom_y1,int bottom_x2,int bottom_y2,int left_x1, 
       int left_y1,int left_x2,int left_y2,int right_x1,int right_y1, 
       int right_x2,int right_y2) 
    int totalParameter, topSide, bottomSide, leftSide, rightSide; 

    topSide = (top_x2 - top_x1); 
    bottomSide = (bottom_x2 - bottom_x1); 
    leftSide = (left_y2 - left_y1); 
    rightSide = (right_y2 - right_y1); 

    totalParameter = (topSide + bottomSide + leftSide + rightSide); 
    printf("%d\n", totalParameter); 



#include <stdio.h>> 

struct coordinates 
    int x1, y1, x2, y2; 

int main() 
    struct coordinates top; 
    struct coordinates bottom; 
    struct coordinates left; 
    struct coordinates right; 

    //Top line of the square 
    top.x1 = 0; 
    top.y1 = 10; 
    top.x2 = 10; 
    top.y2 = 10; 

    //Bottom line of the square 
    bottom.x1 = 0; 
    bottom.y1 = 0; 
    bottom.x2 = 10; 
    bottom.y2 = 0; 

    //Left line of the square 
    left.x1 = 0; 
    left.y1 = 0; 
    left.x2 = 0; 
    left.y2 = 10; 

    //Right line of the square 
    right.x1 = 10; 
    right.y1 = 0; 
    right.x2 = 10; 
    right.y2 = 10; 


parameter(top, bottom, left, right) 
    int totalParameter, topSide, bottomSide, leftSide, rightSide; 

    topSide = (top.x2 - top.x1); 
    bottomSide = (bottom.x2 - bottom.x1); 
    leftSide = (left.y2 - left.y1); 
    rightSide = (right.y2 - right.y1); 

    totalParameter = topSide + bottomSide + leftSide + rightSide; 
    printf("%d\n", totalParameter); 



不工作,雖然,任何幫助嗎? 錯誤我得到的是:「請給成員‘X1’的東西沒有工會的 結構對於所有的x和y COORDS


爲什麼在'參數'的簽名中沒有類型說明符? – XORcist


首先,在C語言中,您必須在使用它們之前聲明函數。其次,你的第一個變體用類型聲明瞭'parameter'函數的所有參數。在第二個變體中,您突然刪除了參數類型。你爲什麼刪除類型? – AnT




void parameter(struct coordinates top, struct coordinates bottom, struct coordinates left, struct coordinates right) 

如果你不這樣做,這些參數默認爲鍵入int(這更多的是一種歷史的教訓在c比什麼都重要),如果你不向前聲明的功能太,那麼它的存在。 implicitly declared(這在現代C中是非法的)並且假定你的參數和函數類型與它們應該是不同的(它們都默認爲輸入int)。