我寫了一個帶有兩個構造函數的被測類(CUT)。一個構造函數接受一個參數,一個類型依賴於組件(DOC)的對象。另一個構造函數調用第一個,傳遞一個新的DOC()。單元測試使用注入器來指示CUT使用MockDOC而不是DOC。當我刪除默認CUT(),單元測試得到一個運行時間錯誤: com.google.inject.internal.ComputationException:java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:組織/對象式/ ASM/ClassVisitor
//The class under test:
public class CUT {
public CUT(DOC doc)
m_DOC = doc;
// When this ctor is added, there is a run time error:
// com.google.inject.internal.ComputationException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/objectweb/asm/ClassVisitor
// @Inject
// public CUT()
// {
// this(new DOC());
// }
public boolean getVal()
return m_DOC.getVal();
// The depended-on-component:
public class DOC {
public DOC()
// The REAL DOC returns 'true' MockDOC will return false
public Boolean getVal()
return true;
// This is the class we want CUT to call during unit test
class MockDOC extends DOC
public Boolean getVal()
// Real DOC returns 'true'. We return false so unit tester knows we got injected
return false;
// Test the CUT class by substituting a mock for CUT's DOC
public class CUTTest {
public void testGetVal() throws Exception {
// Direct Guice to inject our MockDOC for CUT's use of DOC
Injector m_injector = Guice.createInjector(new CUTTestModule());
// Ask Guice to create a CUT object
CUT cut = m_injector.getInstance(CUT.class);
// The DOC returns 'true', while the mock DOC returns 'false. So we'll get 'false' if the injection
// succeeded
assertEquals(cut.getVal(), false);
// The class that we will pass to Guice to direct its injection
class CUTTestModule implements Module {
public CUTTestModule()
public void configure(Binder binder) {
這隱含回答我的(幼稚)的問題。注入只發生在方法的參數(ctor或其他)上。謝謝 –