2017-02-01 79 views

我正在爲技術學生協會開發3D遊戲。Flash CS6無法識別功能和軟件包


package { 
    import flash.display.*; 
    import flash.events.*; 
    import flash.geom.*; 

    public class Dungeon3D extends MovieClip { 
     public var viewSprite:Sprite; // everything 
     public var worldSprite:Sprite; // walls, ceiling, floor, coins 

     // references to objects 
     public var map:Map; // mc to use for wall and coin positions 
     public var map2:Map2; // mc to use for wall and coin positions  
     public var squares:Array; // blocks on map 
     public var worldObjects:Array; // walls and coins 

     private var charPos:Point; // player location 

     // keyboard input 
     private var leftArrow, rightArrow, upArrow, downArrow: Boolean; 

     // car direction and speed 
     private var dir:Number = 90; 
     private var speed:Number = 0; 

     //mrb: variables 
     private var gameMode:String = "start";  
     public var playerObjects:Array;  
     private var gameScore:int; 
     private var playerLives:int;   

     // start game 
     public function startGame() { 
      gameMode = "play";   
      playerObjects = new Array(); 
      gameScore = 0; 
      playerLives = 3; 
     public function startDungeon3D() { 
      viewSprite = new Sprite(); 
      viewSprite.x = 275; 
      viewSprite.y = 250; 
      viewSprite.z = -500; 

      // add an inner sprite to hold everything, lay it down 
      worldSprite = new Sprite(); 
      worldSprite.rotationX = -90; 

      // cover above with ceiling tiles 
      for(var i:int=-5;i<5;i++) { 
       for(var j:int=-6;j<1;j++) { 
        var ceiling:Ceiling = new Ceiling(); 
        ceiling.x = i*200; 
        ceiling.y = j*200; 
        ceiling.z = -200; // above 

      // cover below with floor tiles 
      for(i=-5;i<5;i++) { 
       for(j=-6;j<1;j++) { 
        var floor:Floor = new Floor(); 
        floor.x = i*200; 
        floor.y = j*200; 
        floor.z = 0; // below 

      // get the game map 
      map = new Map(); 

      // look for squares in map, and put four walls in each spot 
      // also move coins up and rotate them 
      worldObjects = new Array(); 
      squares = new Array(); 
      for(i=0;i<map.numChildren;i++) { 
       var object = map.getChildAt(i); 
       //var mc = this.gamelevel.getChildAt(i); 

       if (object is Square) { 
        // add four walls, one for each edge of square 
        addWall(object.x+object.width/2, object.y, object.width, 0); 
        addWall(object.x, object.y+object.height/2, object.height, 90); 
        addWall(object.x+object.width, object.y+object.height/2, object.height, 90); 
        addWall(object.x+object.width/2, object.y+object.height, object.width, 0); 

        // remember squares for collision detection 

       } else if (object is Coin) { 
        object.z = -50; // move up 
        object.rotationX = -90; // turn to face player 
        worldObjects.push(object); // add to array fo zSort 

       } else if (object is Key) { 
        object.z = -50; // move up 
        object.rotationX = -90; // turn to face player 
        worldObjects.push(object); // add to array fo zSort 

       } else if (object is Chest) { 
        object.z = -50; // move up 
        object.rotationX = -90; // turn to face player 
        worldObjects.push(object); // add to array fo zSort 

       } else if (object is Door) { 
        object.z = 77; // move up 
        object.rotationX = 90; // turn to face player 
        worldObjects.push(object); // add to array fo zSort 

      // keep track of virtual position of character 
      charPos = new Point(0,0); 

      // arrange all walls and coins for distance 

      // respond to key events 

      // advance game 
      addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveGame); 

     public function startDungeon3D2() { 
     // create the world and center it 
      viewSprite = new Sprite(); 
      viewSprite.x = 275; 
      viewSprite.y = 250; 
      viewSprite.z = -500; 

      // add an inner sprite to hold everything, lay it down 
      worldSprite = new Sprite(); 
      worldSprite.rotationX = -90; 

      // cover above with ceiling tiles 
      for(var i:int=-5;i<5;i++) { 
       for(var j:int=-6;j<1;j++) { 
        var ceiling:Ceiling = new Ceiling(); 
        ceiling.x = i*200; 
        ceiling.y = j*200; 
        ceiling.z = -200; // above 

      // cover below with floor tiles 
      for(i=-5;i<5;i++) { 
       for(j=-6;j<1;j++) { 
        var floor:Floor = new Floor(); 
        floor.x = i*200; 
        floor.y = j*200; 
        floor.z = 0; // below 

      // get the game map 
      map2 = new Map2(); 

      // look for squares in map, and put four walls in each spot 
      // also move coins up and rotate them 
      worldObjects = new Array(); 
      squares = new Array(); 
      for(i=0;i<map2.numChildren;i++) { 
       var object = map2.getChildAt(i); 
       //var mc = this.gamelevel.getChildAt(i); 

       if (object is Square) { 
        // add four walls, one for each edge of square 
        addWall(object.x+object.width/2, object.y, object.width, 0); 
        addWall(object.x, object.y+object.height/2, object.height, 90); 
        addWall(object.x+object.width, object.y+object.height/2, object.height, 90); 
        addWall(object.x+object.width/2, object.y+object.height, object.width, 0); 

        // remember squares for collision detection 

       } else if (object is Coin) { 
        object.z = -50; // move up 
        object.rotationX = -90; // turn to face player 
        worldObjects.push(object); // add to array fo zSort 

       } else if (object is Key) { 
        object.z = -50; // move up 
        object.rotationX = -90; // turn to face player 
        worldObjects.push(object); // add to array fo zSort 

       } else if (object is Chest) { 
        object.z = -50; // move up 
        object.rotationX = -90; // turn to face player 
        worldObjects.push(object); // add to array fo zSort 

       } else if (object is Door) { 
        object.z = -50; // move up 
        object.rotationX = -90; // turn to face player 
        worldObjects.push(object); // add to array fo zSort 

     public function startDungeon3D3() { 
     // create the world and center it 
      viewSprite = new Sprite(); 
      viewSprite.x = 275; 
      viewSprite.y = 250; 
      viewSprite.z = -500; 

      // add an inner sprite to hold everything, lay it down 
      worldSprite = new Sprite(); 
      worldSprite.rotationX = -90; 

      // cover above with ceiling tiles 
      for(var i:int=-5;i<5;i++) { 
       for(var j:int=-6;j<1;j++) { 
        var ceiling:Ceiling = new Ceiling(); 
        ceiling.x = i*200; 
        ceiling.y = j*200; 
        ceiling.z = -200; // above 

      // cover below with floor tiles 
      for(i=-5;i<5;i++) { 
       for(j=-6;j<1;j++) { 
        var floor:Floor = new Floor(); 
        floor.x = i*200; 
        floor.y = j*200; 
        floor.z = 0; // below 

      // get the game map 
      map3 = new Map3(); 

      // cover below with floor tiles 
      for(i=-5;i<5;i++) { 
       for(j=-6;j<1;j++) { 
        var floor:Floor = new Floor(); 
        floor.x = i*200; 
        floor.y = j*200; 
        floor.z = 0; // below 

      // look for squares in map, and put four walls in each spot 
      // also move coins up and rotate them 
      worldObjects = new Array(); 
      squares = new Array(); 
      for(i=0;i<map3.numChildren;i++) { 
       var object = map3.getChildAt(i); 
       //var mc = this.gamelevel.getChildAt(i); 

       if (object is Square) { 
        // add four walls, one for each edge of square 
        addWall(object.x+object.width/2, object.y, object.width, 0); 
        addWall(object.x, object.y+object.height/2, object.height, 90); 
        addWall(object.x+object.width, object.y+object.height/2, object.height, 90); 
        addWall(object.x+object.width/2, object.y+object.height, object.width, 0); 

        // remember squares for collision detection 

       } else if (object is Coin) { 
        object.z = -50; // move up 
        object.rotationX = -90; // turn to face player 
        worldObjects.push(object); // add to array fo zSort 

       } else if (object is Key) { 
        object.z = -50; // move up 
        object.rotationX = -90; // turn to face player 
        worldObjects.push(object); // add to array fo zSort 

       } else if (object is Chest) { 
        object.z = -50; // move up 
        object.rotationX = -90; // turn to face player 
        worldObjects.push(object); // add to array fo zSort 

       } else if (object is Door) { 
        object.z = -50; // move up 
        object.rotationX = -90; // turn to face player 
        worldObjects.push(object); // add to array fo zSort 
      // keep track of virtual position of character 
      charPos = new Point(0,0); 

      // arrange all walls and coins for distance 

      // respond to key events 

      // advance game 
      addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveGame); 

     // add a vertical wall 
     public function addWall(x, y, len, rotation) { 
      var wall:Wall = new Wall(); 
      wall.x = x; 
      wall.y = y; 
      wall.z = -wall.height/2; 
      wall.width = len; 
      wall.rotationX = 90; 
      wall.rotationZ = rotation; 

     // set arrow variables to true 
     public function keyPressedDown(event:KeyboardEvent) { 
      if (event.keyCode == 37) { 
       leftArrow = true; 
      } else if (event.keyCode == 39) { 
       rightArrow = true; 
      } else if (event.keyCode == 38) { 
       upArrow = true; 
      } else if (event.keyCode == 40) { 
       downArrow = true; 

     // set arrow variables to false 
     public function keyPressedUp(event:KeyboardEvent) { 
      if (event.keyCode == 37) { 
       leftArrow = false; 
      } else if (event.keyCode == 39) { 
       rightArrow = false; 
      } else if (event.keyCode == 38) { 
       upArrow = false; 
      } else if (event.keyCode == 40) { 
       downArrow = false; 

     private function turnPlayer(d) { 

      // change direction 
      dir += d; 

      // rotate world to change view 
      viewSprite.rotationY = dir-90; 

     // main game function 
     public function moveGame(e) { 

      // see if turning left or right 
      var turn:Number = 0; 
      if (leftArrow) { 
       turn = 10; 
      } else if (rightArrow) { 
       turn = -10; 

      // turn 
      if (turn != 0) { 

      // if up arrow pressed, then accelerate, otherwise decelerate 
      speed = 0; 
      if (upArrow) { 
       speed = 10; 
      } else if (downArrow) { 
       speed = -10; 

      // move 
      if (speed != 0) { 

      // re-sort objects 
      if ((speed != 0) || (turn != 0)) { 

      // see if any coins hit 

     public function movePlayer(d) { 
      // calculate current player area 

      // make a rectangle to approximate space used by player 
      var charSize:Number = 50; // approximate player size 
      var charRect:Rectangle = new Rectangle(charPos.x-charSize/2, charPos.y-charSize/2, charSize, charSize); 

      // get new rectangle for future position of player 
      var newCharRect:Rectangle = charRect.clone(); 
      var charAngle:Number = (-dir/360)*(2.0*Math.PI); 
      var dx:Number = d*Math.cos(charAngle); 
      var dy:Number = d*Math.sin(charAngle); 
      newCharRect.x += dx; 
      newCharRect.y += dy; 

      // calculate new location 
      var newX:Number = charPos.x + dx; 
      var newY:Number = charPos.y + dy; 

      // loop through squares and check collisions 
      for(var i:int=0;i<squares.length;i++) { 

       // get block rectangle, see if there is a collision 
       var blockRect:Rectangle = squares[i].getRect(map); 
       if (blockRect.intersects(newCharRect)) { 

        // horizontal push-back 
        if (charPos.x <= blockRect.left) { 
         newX += blockRect.left - newCharRect.right; 
        } else if (charPos.x >= blockRect.right) { 
         newX += blockRect.right - newCharRect.left; 

        // vertical push-back 
        if (charPos.y >= blockRect.bottom) { 
         newY += blockRect.bottom - newCharRect.top; 
        } else if (charPos.y <= blockRect.top) { 
         newY += blockRect.top - newCharRect.bottom; 


      // move character position 
      charPos.y = newY; 
      charPos.x = newX; 

      // move terrain to show proper view 
      worldSprite.x = -newX; 
      worldSprite.z = newY; 

     // spin coins and see if any have been hit 
     private function checkCoins() { 
      // look at all objects 
      for(var i:int=worldObjects.length-1;i>=0;i--) { 
       // only look at coins 
       if (worldObjects[i] is Coin) { 
        // spin it! 
        worldObjects[i].rotationZ += 10; 
        // check distance from character 
        var dist:Number = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(charPos.x-worldObjects[i].x,2)+Math.pow(charPos.y-worldObjects[i].y,2)); 
        // if close enough, remove coin 
        if (dist < 50) { 

     // spin coins and see if any have been hit 
     private function checkKey() { 
      // look at all objects 
      for(var i:int=worldObjects.length-1;i>=0;i--) { 
       // only look at coins 
       if (worldObjects[i] is Key) { 
        // spin it! 
        worldObjects[i].rotationZ += 10; 
        // check distance from character 
        var dist:Number = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(charPos.x-worldObjects[i].x,2)+Math.pow(charPos.y-worldObjects[i].y,2)); 
        // if close enough, remove coin 
        if (dist < 50) { 
         getObject(i); // mrb: call to getobject      

     // spin coins and see if any have been hit 
     private function checkChest() { 
      // look at all objects 
      for(var i:int=worldObjects.length-1;i>=0;i--) { 
       // only look at coins 
       if (worldObjects[i] is Chest) { 
        // spin it! 
        worldObjects[i].rotationZ += 10; 
        // check distance from character 
        var dist:Number = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(charPos.x-worldObjects[i].x,2)+Math.pow(charPos.y-worldObjects[i].y,2)); 
        // if close enough and have the key end the level; don't remove if no key 
        if (dist < 50) { 
         getObject(i); // mrb: call to getobject 

     // spin coins and see if any have been hit 
     private function checkDoor() { 
      // look at all objects 
      for(var i:int=worldObjects.length-1;i>=0;i--) { 
       // only look at coins 
       if (worldObjects[i] is Door) { 
        // spin it! 
        worldObjects[i].rotationZ += 10; 
        // check distance from character 
        var dist:Number = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(charPos.x-worldObjects[i].x,2)+Math.pow(charPos.y-worldObjects[i].y,2)); 
        // if close enough and have the key end the level; don't remove if no key 
        if (dist < 50) { 
         getObject(i); // mrb: call to getobject 

     // player collides with objects 
     public function getObject(objectNum:int) { 
      // award points for treasure 
      if (worldObjects[objectNum] is Treasure) { 
       //var pb:PointBurst = new PointBurst(map,100,worldObjects[objectNum].x,worldObjects[objectNum].y); 

      // got the key, add to inventory 
      } else if (worldObjects[objectNum] is Key) { 
       //pb = new PointBurst(gamelevel,"Got Key!" ,otherObjects[objectNum].x,otherObjects[objectNum].y); 

      // hit the door, end level if hero has the key 
      } else if (worldObjects[objectNum] is Door) { 
       if (playerObjects.indexOf("Key") == -1) return; // i don't have the key 
       if (worldObjects[objectNum].currentFrame == 1) { // i got the key 

      // got the chest, game won, if hero has the key 
      } else if (worldObjects[objectNum] is Chest) { 
       if (playerObjects.indexOf("Key") == -1) return; 
       if (worldObjects[objectNum].currentFrame == 1) { 

     // level over, bring up dialog 
     public function levelComplete() { 
      gameMode = "done"; 
      var dialog:Dialog = new Dialog(); 
      dialog.x = 175; 
      dialog.y = 100; 
      dialog.message.text = "Level Complete!"; 

     // game over, bring up dialog 
     public function gameComplete() { 
      gameMode = "gameover"; 
      var dialog:Dialog = new Dialog(); 
      dialog.x = 175; 
      dialog.y = 100; 
      dialog.message.text = "You Got the Treasure!"; 

     // dialog button clicked 
     public function clickDialogButton(event:MouseEvent) { 

      // new life, restart, or go to next level 
      if (gameMode == "dead") { 
       // reset hero 
       //hero.mc.x = hero.startx; 
       //hero.mc.y = hero.starty; 
       gameMode = "play"; 
      } else if (gameMode == "gameover") { 
      } else if (gameMode == "done") { 

      // give stage back the keyboard focus 
      stage.focus = stage; 

     // clean up game 
     public function cleanUp() { 

      this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveGame);   

     // sort all objects so the closest ones are highest in the display list 
     private function zSort() { 
      var objectDist:Array = new Array(); 
      for(var i:int=0;i<worldObjects.length;i++) { 
       var z:Number = worldObjects[i].transform.getRelativeMatrix3D(root).position.z; 
      objectDist.sortOn("z", Array.NUMERIC | Array.DESCENDING); 
      for(i=0;i<objectDist.length;i++) { 


C:\ Users \ school \ Desktop \ Dungeon3DV3 \ Dungeon3D.as,第217行1114:公共屬性只能在包中使用。 C:\ Users \ school \ Desktop \ Dungeon3DV3 \ Dungeon3D.as,Line 324 1114:public屬性只能在包內使用。 C:\ Users \ school \ Desktop \ Dungeon3DV3 \ Dungeon3D.as,行337 1114:公共屬性只能在包中使用。 C:\ Users \ school \ Desktop \ Dungeon3DV3 \ Dungeon3D.as,350行1114:公共屬性只能在包內使用。 C:\ Users \ school \ Desktop \ Dungeon3DV3 \ Dungeon3D.as,362行1013:私有屬性只能用於類屬性定義。 C:\ Users \ school \ Desktop \ Dungeon3DV3 \ Dungeon3D.as,第372行1114:公共屬性只能在包內使用。 C:\ Users \ school \ Desktop \ Dungeon3DV3 \ Dungeon3D.as,第412行1114:公共屬性只能在包內使用。 C:\ Users \ school \ Desktop \ Dungeon3DV3 \ Dungeon3D.as,Line 465 1013:私有屬性只能用於類屬性定義。 C:\ Users \ school \ Desktop \ Dungeon3DV3 \ Dungeon3D.as,484行1013:私有屬性只能用於類屬性定義。 C:\ Users \ school \ Desktop \ Dungeon3DV3 \ Dungeon3D.as,504行1013:私有屬性只能用於類屬性定義。 C:\ Users \ school \ Desktop \ Dungeon3DV3 \ Dungeon3D.as,524行1013:私有屬性只能用於類屬性定義。 C:\ Users \ school \ Desktop \ Dungeon3DV3 \ Dungeon3D.as,545行1114:公共屬性只能在包內使用。 C:\ Users \ school \ Desktop \ Dungeon3DV3 \ Dungeon3D.as,Line 581 1114:public屬性只能在包內使用。 C:\ Users \ school \ Desktop \ Dungeon3DV3 \ Dungeon3D.as,第591行1114:公共屬性只能在包內使用。 C:\ Users \ school \ Desktop \ Dungeon3DV3 \ Dungeon3D.as,第601行1114:public屬性只能在包內使用。 C:\ Users \ school \ Desktop \ Dungeon3DV3 \ Dungeon3D.as,624行1114:公共屬性只能在包內使用。 C:\ Users \ school \ Desktop \ Dungeon3DV3 \ Dungeon3D.as,第637行1013:私有屬性只能用於類屬性定義。



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