我需要一些幫助才能使它成爲可能。我正在使用cakephp 3.2。
$sql.=" ORDER BY ". $columns[$requestData['order'][0]['column']]." ".$requestData['order'][0]['dir']." LIMIT ".$requestData['start']." ,".$requestData['length']." ";
This code is in core php ,
I want to convert it into cakephp .
Below is what i have tried so far.
$order=$requestData['order'][0]['dir']; //descending ya ascending
$id=$columns[$requestData['order'][0]['column']];///order by which column
$query= $this->Orders->find('all')->where($condition)->limit($requestData['length'])->order(['Orders.'. $id.' '.$order]);
How can i write this code LIMIT ".$requestData['start']." ,".$requestData['length']." ";
Using cakephp ,
In limit how to give both the limit as well as the start parameter($requestData['start']).
最後,這是我的問題的結束。 謝謝任何建議將不勝感激。
哇,它真的工作。 非常感謝,您節省了我的時間。 :) :);) – sradha
WOW ...嚴重嗎? ;) –
是的,我已經在page()中完成了它,但是我需要偏移量。 我瞭解它,並再次感謝你。 ;););):) – sradha