function [ output_args ] = FIR_FilterCoeff()
N = 100; % FIR filter order
Fp = 20e3; % 20 kHz passband-edge frequency
Fp = 20e3; % 20 kHz passband-edge frequency
Fs = 96e3; % 96 kHz sampling frequency
Rp = 0.00057565; % Corresponds to 0.01 dB peak-to-peak ripple
Rst = 1e-4; % Corresponds to 80 dB stopband attenuation
NUM = firceqrip (N,Fp/(Fs/2),[Rp Rst],'passedge');
N2= 200; % change filter order to 200
NUM200 = firceqrip(N2,Fp/(Fs/2),[Rp Rst],'passedge');
Fst = 23e3; % transition width = Fst-Fp
NUM_MIN = firgr('minorder',[0,Fp/(Fs/2),Fst(Fs/2),1],[ 1 1 0 0 ],[Rp Rst]);
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