local spawned = {} -- local table to hold all the spawned images
local timerHandle = nil -- local handle for the timer. It can later be used to cancel it if you want to
local function spawnCibo()
local nuovoCibo = display.newImage('immagini/cibo/cibo001.png')
table.insert(spawned, nuovoCibo) -- insert the new DisplayObject (neovoCibo) at the end of the spawned table.
local function frameListener()
for k, v in pairs(spawned) do -- iterate through all key, value pairs in the table
if (conditions) then -- you will probably want to change conditions to some sort of method to determine if you want to delete the cibo
display.remove(spawned[k]) -- remove the part of the object that gets rendered
spawned[k] = nil -- remove the reference to the object in the table, freeing it up for garbage collection
timer.performWithDelay(1500, spawnCibo, 0) -- call spawnCibo() every 1.5 seconds, forever (That's what the 0 is for) or until timer.cancel is called on timerHandle
Runtime:addEventListener('enterFrame', frameListener) --