2017-06-15 111 views



var str = "This is paragraph one. I need Mr. Sam to my errand. The errand must be done by him. He is the best. 

Mr. Sharma is also good. Btw this is the second paragraph. I think you get my point. Sentence again. Sentence again. 

Paragraph three is started. I am writing so much now. This is fun. Thanks"; 

//Expected output 

var half1 = "This is paragraph one. I need Mr. Sam to my errand. The errand must be done by him. He is the best. 

Mr. Sharma is also good. Btw this is the second paragraph." 

var half2 = "I think you get my point. Sentence again. Sentence again. 

Paragraph three is started. I am writing so much now. This is fun. Thanks" 

所以看640字和工作方式回來... – epascarello


var results=[]; 
var start=0; 
for(var i=640;i<str.length;i+=640){//jump to max 
while(str[i]!=="."&&i) i--;//go back to . 
    if(start===i) throw new Error("impossible str!"); 
    results.push(str.substr(start,i-start));//substr to result 
    start=i+1;//set next start 
//add last one 

你可以通過使640向前邁出一步,然後回到最後一個走過去的字符串。 ,創建一個子串並重復。


什麼是在上面的代碼? –


@rohan sood對不起的錯字... –



let slices = [], s; 
for(let i = 0; s = a.slice(i * 640, (i+1) * 640); i++) 


// EDIT: Now, if a sentence is less than 640 chars, it will be stored as a whole in sentences 
// Otherwise, it will be stored in sequential 640-char chunks with the last chunk being up to 640 chars and containing the period. 
// This tweak also fixes the periods being stripped 
let sentences = str.match(/([^.]{0,639}\.|[^.]{0,640})/g) 



let result = '' 
sentences.forEach(sentence=> { 
    if((result + sentence).length <= 640) result += sentence; 
    else { 
     // EDIT: realized sentence would be skipped so changed '' to sentence 
     result = sentence; 

謝謝你,你是一個救世主:D –


你明白了。我剛剛意識到,如果任何單個句子的長度超過640個字符,您會發現奇怪的行爲,所以請牢記這一點。 – Will


那麼最後一句話呢?例如如果有1626個字符。只有第一個1280將被髮送。其他人呢? –

var txt = 'This is paragraph one. I need Mr. Sam to my errand. The errand must be done by him. He is the best. Mr. Sharma is also good. Btw this is the second paragraph. I think you get my point. Sentence again. Sentence again. Paragraph three is started. I am writing so much now. This is fun. Thanks' 
    var p = [] 
    splitValue(txt, index); 

    function splitValue(text) 
     var paragraphlength = 40; 
     if (text.length > paragraphlength) 
      var newtext = text.substring(0, paragraphlength); 
      splitValue(text.substring(paragraphlength + 1, text.length)) 