2017-09-17 243 views



int RoundTotal(int yg, int yk, int yf, int ys, int yr, int yfi, 
    int co, int rtp, int gtp, int ap, double tr, int yp, int dp, 
    int int yd, double fp) { 

    int YourGold = yg, YourStrength = ys, YourKnow = yk, YourFood = yf, 
    YourResource = yr, YourFields = yfi, YourPopulation = yp, YourDefense = yd; 

    int ResourceTradeProfit = rtp, GoldTradeProfit = gtp, DroughtProduction = dp; 

    int totals, count = co, ArcherPay = ap; 
    double taxrate = tr, FoodProduction = fp; 

    if (YourStrength<0) { 
     YourStrength = 0; 
    FoodProduction = (0.5*YourFields + 0.5*YourKnow - 0.02*YourPopulation)*DroughtProduction; 

    YourFood = YourFood + FoodProduction; 

    YourGold = YourGold + (taxrate/100)*YourPopulation; 

    YourGold -= (YourStrength/2); 
    YourGold -= YourKnow; 
    YourGold -= YourFood; 
    YourGold -= ArcherPay; 
    YourResource += ResourceTradeProfit; 
    YourGold += GoldTradeProfit; 

    YourPopulation = YourPopulation + YourFood*FoodProduction; 

return totals, YourGold, YourKnow, YourFood, YourStrength, 
     YourResource, YourFields, count, ResourceTradeProfit, 
     GoldTradeProfit, ArcherPay, taxrate, YourPopulation, 
     DroughtProduction, FoodProduction; 



你期望回報呢? – tkausl


你的函數只返回一個'int'所以對這個函數的調用方面,你只得到一個值。從設計角度來看,您應該創建一個包含所有這些數據的類,以便您可以簡單地返回該類或向該類添加更新方法或類似的東西。 – pstrjds


你或許應該閱讀有關[逗號操作符(http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/operator_other),這SO發佈[這裏](https://stackoverflow.com/q/54142/ 416574) – pstrjds




#include <iostream> 
using namespace std; 

void square(int &n); 

int main() 
    int i = 4; 
    cout << "Before: " << i << endl; 
    cout << "After: " << i << endl; 

    return 0; 

void square(int &n) 
    n = n * n; 


Before: 4 
After: 16 


正如我在我的評論中提到,你應該重新考慮你的設計,並考慮使用包含要更新的值的類。這個答案不是爲了展示「最佳」設計,但它應該指向正確的方向。一般來說,擁有超過3或4個參數的方法簽名很難使用,並且使得閱讀代碼變得更加困難(我強烈推薦閱讀Robert Martin的書Clean Code)。這是您如何使用班級傳遞必要數據的例子。您可能希望將更新功能作爲此類的一部分。您可能還想考慮將數據對象作爲參考傳入並直接更新,但這些都將取決於您的整體設計。


class YourData 
     int Gold; 
     int Strength; 
     int Know; 
     int Food; 
     int Resource; 
     int Fields; 
     int Population; 
     int Defense; 

     int ResourceTradeProfit; 
     int GoldTradeProfit; 
     int DroughtProtection; 
     double FoodProduction; 

     // Normally you would split out the function definitions between 
     // a header file and a .cpp file, but for the example I am just 
     // putting the code here. 
     YourData() {} // Default constructor 
     YourData(const YourData& data) // Copy constructor 
      Gold = data.Gold; 
      Strength = data.Strength; 
      // Left out other data members for brevity 

     void updateFoodProduction() 
      FoodProduction = (0.5 * Fields + 0.5 * Know - 0.02 * Population) * DroughtProduction; 

YourData roundTotals(const YourData& data, double taxRate, int archerPay) 
    YourData updated(data); 
    if (updated.Strength < 0) updated.Strength=0; 

    updated.Food += updated.FoodProduction; 
    updated.Gold += (taxrate/100) * updated.Population; 
    updated.Gold -= (updated.Strength/2); 
    updated.Gold -= updated.Know; 
    updated.Gold -= updated.Food; 
    updated.Gold -= archerPay; 
    updated.Resource += updated.ResourceTradeProfit; 
    updated.Gold += GoldTradeProfit; 

    updated.Population += updated.Food * FoodProduction; 

    return updated; 

到目前爲止的所有作品,除了我不斷收到「解析外部符號」的錯誤,而且不知道如何解決它。 –


@GenghisKhan - 你在哪裏得到這個錯誤,是否與這個代碼或其他地方? – pstrjds


在visual studio中,我沒有爲錯誤指出行號。編輯:我剛剛得到它的工作,但我得到非常大的數字,並不知道發生了什麼,因爲它貫穿方程式,但應該得到方式更小的數字。 –