2013-02-21 69 views


但是,當我嘗試將所有3個放在一起時,它給了我「多部分識別的z [[currnecy鍵]不能被綁定」,這似乎是一個奇怪的錯誤,因爲這個鍵在現有的表中並且連接僅適用於臨時表或子查詢,但不能同時存在。



declare @tmpFx table (currency_key int, effective_date_key int, expiration_date_key int, to_usd float, from_usd float) --primary key (currency_key, date_key)) 
    insert into @tmpFx(currency_key, effective_date_key, expiration_date_key, to_usd, from_usd) 
    select [currency key], cast(convert(char(8),[effective date],112) as int), cast(convert(char(8),[expiration date],112) as int), [to usd], [from usd] 
    from v_fx --where [effective date] >= @beginDate 

declare @fixedFx table (currency_key int, to_usd float, from_usd float primary key (currency_key)) 
    insert into @fixedFx(currency_key, to_usd, from_usd) 
    select [currency key], [to usd], [from usd] 
    from v_fx where [effective date] = '2012-01-01' 

select z.[currency key], --stat_fx.to_usd to_usd, stat_fx.from_usd from_usd, --q.*,-- 
stat_usd_amt2 = case when z.[currency key] = 100001 then q.orig_amt else 0 end --sum(q.orig_amt * stat_fx.to_usd) 
from [dim country] z, 
(select b.country_key, a.currency_key, a.data_type_key, sum(a.amount) orig_amt, 
    sum(a.amount * stat_fx.to_usd) stat_usd_amt, 
    sum((a.amount * stat_fx.to_usd) * stat_fx.from_usd) home_curr_amt 
    from tbl_cohort a 
    inner join tbl_management_code b on a.management_code = b.management_code 
    left outer join @tmpFx stat_fx on a.currency_key = stat_fx.currency_key 
    where a.data_type_key = 1 
    and a.date_key > 20111231 
    group by b.country_key, a.currency_key, a.data_type_key) q 
inner join @tmpFx stat_fx on z.[currency key] = stat_fx.currency_key 
where q.[country_key]= z.[country key] 

這裏的部分問題可能是您混合了兩種不同的連接語法,這使得它很難理解。您正在使用ANSI標準'INNER'和'LEFT'加入一些,但帶有別名'q'的內聯視圖作爲以逗號分隔的表列表的一部分加入。 – ninesided 2013-02-21 22:34:14


另外,你能在SQL Fiddle上設置一個代表性的例子嗎?當我們不知道表格是什麼時,很難發現問題。 – ninesided 2013-02-21 22:45:29




declare @tmpFx table (currency_key int, effective_date_key int, expiration_date_key int, to_usd float, from_usd float) 
    insert into @tmpFx(currency_key, effective_date_key, expiration_date_key, to_usd, from_usd) 
    select [currency key], cast(convert(char(8),[effective date],112) as int), cast(convert(char(8),[expiration date],112) as int), [to usd], [from usd] 
    from v_fx 

declare @fixedFx table (currency_key int, to_usd float, from_usd float primary key (currency_key)) 
    insert into @fixedFx(currency_key, to_usd, from_usd) 
    select [currency key], [to usd], [from usd] 
    from v_fx where [effective date] = '2012-01-01' 

select z.[currency key], 
    case when z.[currency key] = 100001 then q.orig_amt else 0 end AS stat_usd_amt2 
from [dim country] z 
    select b.country_key, a.currency_key, a.data_type_key, sum(a.amount) AS orig_amt, 
    sum(a.amount * stat_fx.to_usd) as stat_usd_amt, 
    sum((a.amount * stat_fx.to_usd) * stat_fx.from_usd) as home_curr_amt 
    from tbl_cohort a 
    join tbl_management_code b 
     on a.management_code = b.management_code 
    left join @tmpFx stat_fx 
     on a.currency_key = stat_fx.currency_key 
    where a.data_type_key = 1 
     and a.date_key > 20111231 
    group by b.country_key, a.currency_key, a.data_type_key 
) q 
    ON q.[country_key] = z.[country_key] 
join @tmpFx stat_fx 
    on z.[currency key] = stat_fx.currency_key 
