這個問題解釋了Spark的隨機分割是如何工作的,How does Sparks RDD.randomSplit actually split the RDD,但我不明白spark如何跟蹤一個分割的值,以便這些相同的值不會進入第二個分割。Spark如何跟蹤隨機分裂的分裂?
def randomSplit(weights: Array[Double], seed: Long): Array[DataFrame] = {
// It is possible that the underlying dataframe doesn't guarantee the ordering of rows in its
// constituent partitions each time a split is materialized which could result in
// overlapping splits. To prevent this, we explicitly sort each input partition to make the
// ordering deterministic.
val sorted = Sort(logicalPlan.output.map(SortOrder(_, Ascending)), global = false, logicalPlan)
val sum = weights.sum
val normalizedCumWeights = weights.map(_/sum).scanLeft(0.0d)(_ + _)
normalizedCumWeights.sliding(2).map { x =>
new DataFrame(sqlContext, Sample(x(0), x(1), withReplacement = false, seed, sorted))
並且是兩次獲取的數據? (假設sqlContext正在從數據庫中選擇,是兩次執行的選擇?)。
我想強調一個技巧就是對每個'Sample'使用相同的種子。 – zero323
非常好!這回答了我的問題。感謝您花時間解釋它! – James