2016-08-24 46 views


[(1,2), (2,3), (3,1), (4,5), (5,4), (6,7)] 

我想要在整個元組的外觀和它們摺疊成獨特的收藏如下(也許作爲一個哈希地圖 - 任何其他有效的數據結構):

{a: (1,2,3), b: (4,5), c(6,7)} 

是否有確實的算法這是有效的 - 我現在只能想到一種暴力方法。



這基本上是你中的R想要的東西:http://stackoverflow.com/a/38663293/2372064 – MrFlick


此外 - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12135971 /如果在列表中是'[(1,2),(3,4)]',則識別鏈接集的鏈接集合 – thelatemail


。你想要它:'{a:(1,2),b:(3,4)}或'{a:(1,2,3,4)}? –




l = [(1,2), (2,3), (3,1), (4,5), (5,4), (6,7)] 

from scipy.sparse.csgraph import connected_components 
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix 

# make list of unique elements 
uniques = list(set(list(map(lambda a: a[0], l)) + list(map(lambda a: a[1], l)))) 
# reverse index to lookup elements index 
unique2index = dict([(el, i) for (i, el) in enumerate(uniques)]) 

# prepare data for csr_matrix construction 
data = [1 for x in l] # value 1 -- means edge 
data_i = [unique2index.get(x[0]) for x in l] # source node 
data_j = [unique2index.get(x[1]) for x in l] # target node 

graphMatrix = csr_matrix((data, (data_i, data_j)),shape=(len(uniques), len(uniques))) 
(numComponents, labels) = connected_components(graphMatrix) # here is the work done 
# interpret labels back to original elements 
components = [[uniques[j] for (j,x) in enumerate(labels) if x==i] for i in range(0, numComponents)] 

print(components) # [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7]] is printed 

我想指出'components = ...'步驟在輸入的唯一元素的數量上是二次的。 groupby'import itertools可能會更快; list(map(lambda group:list([uniques [el [0]] for el in group [1]]),itertools.groupby(enumerate(labels),lambda x:x [1])))'but I不喜歡進行另一次導入,並且可讀性....(我個人不喜歡python,因爲一次不能寫可讀性和簡單性) –