2013-05-28 109 views


我已經搜索了像「javascript get console.log內容」之類的東西,但還沒有真正發現任何有用的東西。


window.log = function(){ 
    log.history = log.history || []; // store logs to an array for reference 




控制檯是瀏覽器的一部分。這意味着你不能直接獲取消息。你需要使用一個保存消息的函數,然後使用'console.log'。或者你需要一個瀏覽器插件。 –


我已經有了一個函數來替換使用console.log,但我希望能夠得到任何瀏覽器發送的錯誤。這可能是不可能的,但這將是非常有用的信息。 –



這似乎是一個有趣的想法。我想到的實質上是一個小的JavaScript類,它覆蓋了控制檯的功能(但允許默認行爲 - 例如,您仍然可以在Google Chrome的Inspector中查看信息)。


* ConsoleLogger 
* Tracks the history of the console. 
* @author Johnathon Koster 
* @version 1.0.0 
var ConsoleLogger = function() { 

    // Holds an instance of the current object. 
    var _instance = this; 

    this._logOverwrite = function(o) { 

     var _log = o.log; 

     // Overwrites the console.log function. 
     o.log = function(e) { 
      // Calls the console.log function (normal browser behavior) 
      _log.call(o, e); 

     // Overwrites the console.info function. 
     o.info = function(e) { 
      // Calls the console.info function (normal browser behavior) 
      _log.call(o, e); 

     // Overwrites the console.warn function. 
     o.warn = function(e) { 
      // Calls the console.warn function (normal browser behavior) 
      _log.call(o, e); 

     // Overwrites the console.error function. 
     o.error = function(e) { 
      // Calls the console.error function (normal browser behavior) 
      _log.call(o, e); 


    // Holds the history of the console calls made by other scripts. 
    this._logHistory = []; 
    this._infoHistory = []; 
    this._warnHistory = []; 
    this._errorHistory = []; 

    this._windowErrors = []; 

    * This allows users to get the history of items not explicitly added. 
    window.onerror = function(msg, url, line) { 
     _instance._windowErrors.push('Message: ' + msg + ' URL: ' + url + ' Line: ' + line); 

    * Adds an item to the log history. 
    * @param {log} object to log 
    this.pushLog = function(log) { 

    * Adds an item to the information log history. 
    * @param {log} object to log 
    this.pushInfoLog = function(log) { 

    * Adds an item to the warning log history. 
    * @param {log} object to log 
    this.pushWarnLog = function(log) { 

    * Adds an item to the error log history. 
    * @param {log} object to log 
    this.pushErrorLog = function(log) { 

    * Returns the log history. 
    * @this {ConsoleLogger} 
    * @return {array} the log history. 
    this.getLog = function() { 
     return this._logHistory; 

    * Returns the information log history. 
    * @this {ConsoleLogger} 
    * @return {array} the information log history. 
    this.getInfoLog = function() { 
     return this._infoHistory; 

    * Returns the warning log history. 
    * @this {ConsoleLogger} 
    * @return {array} the warning log history. 
    this.getWarnLog = function() { 
     return this._warnHistory; 

    * Returns the error log history. 
    * @this {ConsoleLogger} 
    * @return {array} the error log history. 
    this.getErrorLog = function() { 
     return this._errorHistory; 

    * Returns the window log history. 
    * @this {ConsoleLogger} 
    * @return {array} the window log history. 
    this.getWindowLog = function() { 
     return this._windowErrors; 

    * Returns all log histories. 
    * @this {ConsoleLogger} 
    * @return {array} the error log(s) history. 
    this.getLogHistory = function() { 
     var _return = []; 
     _return = this._logHistory 
     _return = _return.concat(this._infoHistory); 
     _return = _return.concat(this._warnHistory); 
     _return = _return.concat(this._errorHistory); 
     _return = _return.concat(this._windowErrors); 
     return _return; 



<script src="consolelogger.js"></script> 
// Create a new instance of ConsoleLogger 
var logger = new ConsoleLogger; 

現在,你不必做什麼特別的陷阱「的console.log」 ,'console.warn','console.info'或'console.error'。 ConsoleLogger會爲你做,並讓你獲得已添加內容的歷史記錄。


var logHistory = logger.getLog(); // Get the console.log history 
var infoHistory = logger.getInfoLog(); // Get the console.info history 
var warningHistory = logger.getWarnLog(); // Get the console.warn history 
var errorHistory = logger.getErrorLog(); // Get the console.error history 
var windowLog = logger.getWindowLog(); // Get the window error history 

var allLogs = logger.getLogHistory(); // Returns all log histories as one array. 

我這麼長時間後道歉,但似乎這樣的伎倆!我還創建了一個GitHub repo;如果我還有更多的工作要做,就會在那裏做出改變。


這會捕獲瀏覽器在控制檯中顯示的錯誤嗎?不只是無論我發送給console.log自己,但由於編碼錯誤而產生錯誤? –


你好查爾斯!這現在將捕獲您未使用控制檯。*函數明確添加的消息。請注意,爲了使消息被該腳本捕獲,它必須能夠被window.onerror事件捕獲。 – John


因此,它看起來像我所需要的腳本是'window.onerror = function ...'片段,因爲我已經有一個日誌記錄系統。 –