public class CleverSearchTimerTest {
private static SimpleRandomCount srctest;
private static CleverSearchTimer ssttest;
public static void setUpBeforeClass() {
srctest = new SimpleRandomCount(25);
ssttest = new CleverSearchTimer();
public static void tearDownAfterClass() throws Exception {
public void setUp() throws Exception {
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
public void findKthElementTestRegular() throws IndexingError{
public void FindKthElementTestBoundaryLow() throws IndexingError{
assertEquals(ssttest.findKthElement(srctest.array(),25), 0);
public void FindKthElementTestBoundaryHigh() throws IndexingError{
assertEquals(ssttest.findKthElement(srctest.array(),1), 24);
public void FindKthElementTestErroneous() throws IndexingError{
equals(ssttest.findKthElement(srctest.array(), 30));
public void test() {
fail("Not yet implemented");
public interface CleverSearchTimer {
* Find the kth largest element in an array of ints
* @param array — array of ints
* @param k — index of the element to be found
* @return — kth largest int in array
* @throws IndexingError — if k is not a valid index
public int findKthElement(int[] array, int k)
throws IndexingError;
/** Find the time it takes to find the kth element
* @param array — array of ints
* @param k — the index of the element to be found
* @return — the time taken to find the kth largest element
* @throws IndexingError — if k is not a valid index
public double time(int[] array,int k)
throws IndexingError;
} // end of interface TimedSearch
就行出現錯誤 「ssttest =新CleverSearchTimer();」 「無法實例化CleverSearchTimer類型」。