2017-02-07 43 views


    <T4Head1>First Table header 1</T4Head1> 
    <T4Head2>First Table header 2</T4Head2> 
    <T4Head3>First Table header 3</T4Head3> 
    <T4Head4>First Table header 4</T4Head4> 
    <T4Col1>First Table row 1 column 1</T4Col1> 
    <T4Col2>First Table row 1 column 2</T4Col2> 
    <T4Col3>First Table row 1 column 3</T4Col3> 
    <T4Col4>First Table row 1 column 4</T4Col4> 
another element than Tab4 might occur here... 
    <T4Head1>Second Table header 1</T4Head1> 
    <T4Head2>Second Table header 2</T4Head2> 
    <T4Head3>Second Table header 3</T4Head3> 
    <T4Head4>Second Table header 4</T4Head4> 

    <T4Col1>Second Table row 1 column 1</T4Col1> 
    <T4Col2>Second Table row 1 column 2</T4Col2> 
    <T4Col3>Second Table row 1 column 3</T4Col3> 
    <T4Col4>Second Table row 1 column 4</T4Col4> 
    <T4Col1>Second Table row 2 column 1</T4Col1> 
    <T4Col2>Second Table row 2 column 2</T4Col2> 
    <T4Col3>Second Table row 2 column 3</T4Col3> 
    <T4Col4>Second Table row 2 column 4</T4Col4> 
    <T4Col1>Second Table row 3 column 1</T4Col1> 
    <T4Col2>Second Table row 3 column 2</T4Col2> 
    <T4Col3>Second Table row 3 column 3</T4Col3> 
    <T4Col4>Second Table row 3 column 4</T4Col4> 
another element than Tab4 might occur here... 

隨着XSLT 1.0我需要輸出的HTML看起來像的下方。換句話說,我需要包含T4Col1,T4Col2等的每個Tab4塊重複,直到出現下一種元素(不是Tab4/T4Col1)。

      <table class="specTab" border="1"> 

          Table header 1 
          Table header 2 
          Table header 3 
          Table header 4 

<!-- this part should repeat --> 
           Table column 1 
           Table column 2 
           Table column 3 
           Table column 4 
<!-- this part should repeat -->  



<xsl:for-each select="./node()"> 


     <!-- Multiple other test scenarios --> 
     <xsl:when test="name()='Rub1' and . !=''"> 


     <xsl:when test="name()='Tab4' and ./T4Head1"> 
        <table class="specTab" border="1"> 
            <xsl:value-of select="./T4Head1"/> 
            <xsl:value-of select="./T4Head2"/> 
            <xsl:value-of select="./T4Head3"/> 
            <xsl:value-of select="./T4Head4"/> 

          <xsl:for-each select="following-sibling::node()/T4Col1"> 

             <xsl:value-of select="."/> 
             <xsl:value-of select="."/> 
             <xsl:value-of select="."/> 
             <xsl:value-of select="."/> 






問題的上述代碼是,它輸出所有TAB4/T4Col1(1 + 3),即使下一個報頭之後發生的那些。有點我需要將標題和所有行/列組合起來,因爲我希望它們位於同一個HTML表格中。






    <p>para 1</p> 
     <T4Head1>First Table header 1</T4Head1> 
     <T4Head2>First Table header 2</T4Head2> 
     <T4Head3>First Table header 3</T4Head3> 
     <T4Head4>First Table header 4</T4Head4> 
     <T4Col1>First Table row 1 column 1</T4Col1> 
     <T4Col2>First Table row 1 column 2</T4Col2> 
     <T4Col3>First Table row 1 column 3</T4Col3> 
     <T4Col4>First Table row 1 column 4</T4Col4> 
    <p>para 2</p> 
     <T4Head1>Second Table header 1</T4Head1> 
     <T4Head2>Second Table header 2</T4Head2> 
     <T4Head3>Second Table header 3</T4Head3> 
     <T4Head4>Second Table header 4</T4Head4> 
     <T4Col1>Second Table row 1 column 1</T4Col1> 
     <T4Col2>Second Table row 1 column 2</T4Col2> 
     <T4Col3>Second Table row 1 column 3</T4Col3> 
     <T4Col4>Second Table row 1 column 4</T4Col4> 
     <T4Col1>Second Table row 2 column 1</T4Col1> 
     <T4Col2>Second Table row 2 column 2</T4Col2> 
     <T4Col3>Second Table row 2 column 3</T4Col3> 
     <T4Col4>Second Table row 2 column 4</T4Col4> 
     <T4Col1>Second Table row 3 column 1</T4Col1> 
     <T4Col2>Second Table row 3 column 2</T4Col2> 
     <T4Col3>Second Table row 3 column 3</T4Col3> 
     <T4Col4>Second Table row 3 column 4</T4Col4> 
    <p>para 3</p> 

XSLT 1.0

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" 
<xsl:output method="xml" omit-xml-declaration="yes" version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" indent="yes"/> 
<xsl:strip-space elements="*"/> 

<xsl:key name="rows" match="Tab4[T4Col1]" use="generate-id(preceding-sibling::Tab4[T4Head1][1])" /> 

<!-- identity transform --> 
<xsl:template match="@*|node()"> 
     <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/> 

<xsl:template match="Tab4[T4Head1]"> 
    <table border="1"> 
      <xsl:for-each select="key('rows', generate-id())"> 

<xsl:template match="Tab4[T4Col1]"/> 

<xsl:template match="Tab4[T4Head1]/*"> 

<xsl:template match="Tab4[T4Col1]/*"> 




    <p>para 1</p> 
    <table border="1"> 
      <th>First Table header 1</th> 
      <th>First Table header 2</th> 
      <th>First Table header 3</th> 
      <th>First Table header 4</th> 
      <td>First Table row 1 column 1</td> 
      <td>First Table row 1 column 2</td> 
      <td>First Table row 1 column 3</td> 
      <td>First Table row 1 column 4</td> 
    <p>para 2</p> 
    <table border="1"> 
      <th>Second Table header 1</th> 
      <th>Second Table header 2</th> 
      <th>Second Table header 3</th> 
      <th>Second Table header 4</th> 
      <td>Second Table row 1 column 1</td> 
      <td>Second Table row 1 column 2</td> 
      <td>Second Table row 1 column 3</td> 
      <td>Second Table row 1 column 4</td> 
      <td>Second Table row 2 column 1</td> 
      <td>Second Table row 2 column 2</td> 
      <td>Second Table row 2 column 3</td> 
      <td>Second Table row 2 column 4</td> 
      <td>Second Table row 3 column 1</td> 
      <td>Second Table row 3 column 2</td> 
      <td>Second Table row 3 column 3</td> 
      <td>Second Table row 3 column 4</td> 
    <p>para 3</p> 


enter image description here


非常感謝!它節省了我的一天和很多頭痛:) – hico