2012-10-01 50 views

我們正在尋找,可以輕鬆替換使用PHP DOM的值的腳本。 這裏我們有一個HTML代碼,我需要更換如何使用PHP Dom替換數據?


<div> Explore HISTORY shows, watch videos and full episodes, play games and access articles on historical topics at History.com <p>Miss an episode of your favorite History shows? Go to history.com to catch up on full episodes and video exclusives.</p></div> 
<div>Discover what happened today in history. Read about major past events that happened today including special entries on crime, entertainment, and more.</div> 
<p>Experience games from your favorite shows, take quizzes, solve puzzles and more!</p> 



<div> Explore <u>HISTORY</u> shows, watch videos and full episodes, play games and access articles on historical topics at <u>History</u>.com <p>Miss an episode of your favorite <u>History</u> shows? Go to <u>history</u>.com to catch up on full episodes and video exclusives.</p></div> 
<div>Discover what happened today in <u>history</u>. Read about major past events that happened today including special entries on crime, entertainment, and more.</div> 
<p>Experience games from your favorite shows, take quizzes, solve puzzles and more!</p> 


@$doc = new DOMDocument; 
$doc->preserveWhiteSpace = false; 
@$body = $doc->getElementsByTagName('body'); 
while(is_object($finance = $doc->getElementsByTagName("body")->item($i))) 
         foreach($finance->childNodes as $nodename) 
          $node = $doc->createElement("para", "<u>as fasd fasd fadsf</u>"); 
          if(stristr($nodename->nodeValue, 'search')){ 
          echo $nodename->getAttribute."<br>" ; 
          echo $nodename->nodeValue."<br>" ; 
          @$us = true; 
         echo $nodename->nodeValue."<br>" ; 


的可能重複的[忽略的preg_replace html標籤(http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8193327/ignore-html-tags-in-preg-replace) – hakre


你爲什麼要用DOM? – Nin


@Sam:代碼建議是在鏈接問題的答案。你可以在這裏瞭解不區分大小寫的xpath:[在php中不區分大小寫的xpath搜索](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3238989/case-insensitive-xpath-searching-in-php)。 – hakre






$doc = new DOMDocument(); 
$doc->preserveWhiteSpace = FALSE; 
$doc->resolveExternals = FALSE; 
<div> Explore HISTORY shows, watch videos and full episodes, play games and access articles on historical topics at History.com <p>Miss an episode of your favorite History shows? Go to history.com to catch up on full episodes and video exclusives.</p></div> 
<div>Discover what happened today in history. Read about major past events that happened today including special entries on crime, entertainment, and more.</div> 
<p>Experience games from your favorite shows, take quizzes, solve puzzles and more!</p> 

echo '<p>Input:</p>'."\n"; 
echo $doc->saveHTML()."\n"; 

$word = 'history'; 
$lcWord = strtolower($word); 
$wordLen = strlen($word); 
$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc); 
$nodes = $xpath->query('/html/body//text()['. 
foreach ($nodes as $node) 
// Split all occurances of "word" into new text nodes. 
    $text = $node->data; 
    $textPos = 0; 
    while (($wordPos = stripos($text,$word)) !== FALSE) 
     $beforeText = substr($text,$textPos,$wordPos - $textPos); 
     $wordText = substr($text,$wordPos,$wordLen); 

    // Add the before text to the DOM. 

    // Add the word text to the DOM. 
    // Underline this word. 
     $uNode = $doc->createElement('u'); 

    // Repeat for the text after the word. 
     $text = substr($text,$wordPos + $wordLen); 

// Create a text node for text following the word. 
    if ($text) 

// Remove the original text node. 

echo '<p>Output:</p>'."\n"; 
echo $doc->saveHTML()."\n"; 


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd"> 
<div> Explore HISTORY shows, watch videos and full episodes, play games and access articles on historical topics at History.com <p>Miss an episode of your favorite History shows? Go to history.com to catch up on full episodes and video exclusives.</p> 
<div>Discover what happened today in history. Read about major past events that happened today including special entries on crime, entertainment, and more.</div> 
<p>Experience games from your favorite shows, take quizzes, solve puzzles and more!</p> 

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd"> 
<div> Explore <u>HISTORY</u> shows, watch videos and full episodes, play games and access articles on historical topics at <u>History</u>.com <p>Miss an episode of your favorite <u>History</u> shows? Go to <u>history</u>.com to catch up on full episodes and video exclusives.</p> 
<div>Discover what happened today in <u>history</u>. Read about major past events that happened today including special entries on crime, entertainment, and more.</div> 
<p>Experience games from your favorite shows, take quizzes, solve puzzles and more!</p> 