價格假設該周- 他們有限房價
orders = [] # initalize an empty list of orders. Append orders to this list each week.
number_of_weeks = 4 # number of weeks to simulate
weekly_order_template = [[100, 5, "", ""],[150, 10, "", ""]] # these are the orders that will be added each week (2 in this example) and each order includes the number of shares, the limit price, the sale price (if sold), the sale week (if sold).
# create a list to store the weekly price assumptions
weekly_price = [] # init a list to store weekly prices
price = 4.90
price_increment = .05
for weeks in range(0,number_of_weeks):
price = price + price_increment
# each week, add this week's orders to the orders list and then compare all orders in the list to see which should be sold. Update the orders list elements to reflect sales.
for week in range(0,number_of_weeks):
print "****This is WEEK ", week, "****"
this_weeks_price = weekly_price[week]
print "This week's price: ", this_weeks_price
for order in weekly_order_template: # add this week's orders to the orders list
for order in orders: # iterate over the orders list and update orders that are sold
if (order[2] == "") and (order[1] < this_weeks_price):
order[2] = this_weeks_price
order[3] = week
print "All orders to date: ", orders
****This is WEEK 3 ****
This week's price: 5.1
All orders to date: [[100, 5, 5.05, 2], [150, 10, '', ''], [100, 5, 5.05, 2], [150, 10,'', ''], [100, 5, 5.05, 2], [150, 10, '', ''], [100, 5, 5.05, 2], [150, 10, '', '']]
爲什麼第七元素(3周的第一順序)被「賣」的前一週的價格,而不是在$ 5.10則當前價格? (注意 - 「WEEK 3」是指我在第一週使用第0周後的第四周)
謝謝!這個改變確實解決了這個問題,我不知道我是否會自己想出這個問題。 – 2012-08-05 19:17:36