我有一個腳本來查找目錄和.tar.gz文件。無論什麼原因(這就是我希望你能幫助我)我的Perl Directory Finder不起作用?
if (-d $file)
# specify the directory where you want to start the search
my $directory = $ARGV[0];
my $directoryCount = 0;
# Calling the Subroutine, which searches the File
sub readDirectory
my $directory = shift;
my $searchfile = shift;
my @directories;
my $tarOuput;
# a little bit output, in which directory the script
# is searching at the moment (the following line is not necessary)
print "Searching in $directory\n\n";
# Open and close the directory
opendir(DIR, $directory) or die("ERROR: Couldn't open specified directory $!");
my @files = readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;
print "------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n\n";
foreach my $currentFile (@files)
print "Current File:", $currentFile, "\n\n";
if (-d $currentFile) #THIS DOESN'T WORK?!?!?!?!?
print "Directory: ", $currentFile, "\n\n";
#push (@directories, $currentFile);
#print "Found new directory: $directories[$directoryCount]\n\nCurrent number = $directoryCount\n\n";
#print "Directories: ", @directories, "\n\n";
# The Subroutine is calling hisself with the new parameters
#readDirectory($currentFile); #recursive call through sub-directories
elsif ($currentFile =~ /\.tar.gz$/i || $currentFile =~ /\.tar$/i)
print "File: ", $currentFile, "\n\n";
my $tarOutput = `tar -tvzf $currentFile`;
print $tarOutput, "\n";
print "----------------------------------------------------------------------- \n\n";
print語句將打印$ currentFile如果它是一個目錄從未打印...
Searching in /home/gackerma/Logs
Current File:Dir1
Current File:file
Current File:configs.tar.gz
File: configs.tar.gz
tar (child): configs.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar (child): Error is not recoverable: exiting now
tar: Child returned status 2
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
Current File:adstatlog.299
Current File:adstatlog.tgz
是的,這就是班次用的。謝謝你! – user2340116 2013-05-09 20:31:31
@ user2340116現在清楚了嗎?或者你讀這個'diff'輸出有問題嗎? – chrsblck 2013-05-09 20:43:08
它工作了!啊,非常感謝你!完整目錄路徑是關鍵。 – user2340116 2013-05-09 20:47:15