2014-01-09 27 views

我使用Apple腳本從Microsoft Outlook中獲取所需的詳細信息,它完全在Mountian Lion OsX(10.8.3)上正常工作,但是當我使用相同的腳本時失敗並拋出錯誤「」預期「,」但發現財產「。「Expected」,「但使用Apple腳本發現屬性錯誤


on encodeXML(s) 
     set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "&" 
     set components to every text item of s 
     set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "&" 
     set s to components as string 
     set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "" 

     set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "<" 
      set components to every text item of s 
      set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "&lt;" 
      set s to components as string 

      set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ">" 
      set components to every text item of s 
      set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "&gt;" 
      set s to components as string 

      set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "\"" 
      set components to every text item of s 
      set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "&quot;" 
      set s to components as string 

      set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "'" 
      set components to every text item of s 
      set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "&apos;" 
      set s to components as string 
      set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "" 
      return s 
     end encodeXML 

     on meetingNumber(s) 
     set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "Meeting Number:" 
     set components to every text item of s 
     if (count of components) is less than 2 then 
     return "" 
     end if 
     set s to second text item of components 
     set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "To join" 
     set components to every text item of s 
     set s to first text item of components 
     set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "<" 
     set components to every text item of s 
     set s to first text item of components 
     set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "&" 
     set components to every text item of s 
     set s to first text item of components 
     set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "----" 
     set components to every text item of s 
     set s to first text item of components 
     set AppleScript's text item delimiters to " " 
     set components to every text item of s 
     set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "" 
     return components as string 
     end meetingNumber 

     on trimContents(s) 
     set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "Meeting Number:" 
     set components to every text item of s 
     if (count of components) is less than 2 then 
     return "" 
     end if 
     set s to second text item of components 
     set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "To join" 
     set components to every text item of s 
     set s to first text item of components 
     set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "<" 
     set components to every text item of s 
     set s to first text item of components 
     set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "&" 
     set components to every text item of s 
     set s to first text item of components 
     set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "----" 
     set components to every text item of s 
     set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "" 
     return "Meeting Number: " & first text item of components 
     end trimContents 

     on getEventKeys(theEvent) 
     set r to "" 
     tell application "Microsoft Outlook" 
     set r to r & " <wxp:meeting> 
     set r to (r & "  <wxp:appID>" & id of theEvent as string) & "</wxp:appID> 
     set t to (content of theEvent as string) 
     set t to my trimContents(t) 
     set r to (r & "  <wxp:content>" & my encodeXML(t)) & "</wxp:content> 
     set r to r & " </wxp:meeting> 
     end tell 
     return r 
     end getEventKeys 

     on getEvent(theEvent) 
     set retVal to "" 
     tell application "Microsoft Outlook" 
    set retVal to retVal & "<wxp:meeting>" 
    set retVal to (retVal & "<wxp:subject>" & my encodeXML(subject of theEvent as string)) & "</wxp:subject>" 
    set retVal to (retVal & "<wxp:organizer>" & organizer of theEvent as string) & "</wxp:organizer>" 
    set retVal to (retVal & "<wxp:startDate>" & start time of theEvent as string) & "</wxp:startDate>" 
    set retVal to (retVal & "<wxp:endDate>" & end time of theEvent as string) & "</wxp:endDate>" 
    set retVal to (retVal & "<wxp:appID>" & ID of theEvent as string) & "</wxp:appID> " 
     set outType to "" 
     if (is recurring of theEvent) then 
     set recur to recurrence of theEvent 
     set recurType to recurrence type of recur as string 
     if recurType is "daily" then 
     set outType to "DAILY" 
     else if recurType is "weekly" then 
     set outType to "WEEKLY" 
     else if recurType is "absolute monthly" or recurType is "relative monthly" then 
     set outType to "MONTHLY" 
     else if recurType is "absolute yearly" or recurType is "relative yearly" then 
     set outType to "YEARLY" 
     end if 
     set retVal to retVal & "<wxp:repeatType>" & outType & "</wxp:repeatType> 
     set retVal to retVal & "<wxp:interval>" & occurrence interval of recur & "</wxp:interval> 
     if end type of end date of recur as string is "end numbered type" then 
     set retVal to retVal & "<wxp:afterMeetingNumber>" & data of end date of recur & "</wxp:afterMeetingNumber> 
     else if end type of end date of recur as string is "end date type" then 
     set retVal to (retVal & "<wxp:expirationDate>" & data of end date of recur as string) & "</wxp:expirationDate> 
     end if 
     if recurType is "relative monthly" then 
     set retVal to retVal & "<wxp:weekInMonth>" & ordinal of recur & "</wxp:weekInMonth>" 
     end if 
     if recurType is "weekly" or recurType is "relative monthly" then 
     set bitmap to 0 
     if sunday of days of week of recur then 
     set bitmap to bitmap + 1 
     end if 
     if monday of days of week of recur then 
     set bitmap to bitmap + 2 
     end if 
     if tuesday of days of week of recur then 
     set bitmap to bitmap + 4 
     end if 
     if wednesday of days of week of recur then 
     set bitmap to bitmap + 8 
     end if 
     if thursday of days of week of recur then 
     set bitmap to bitmap + 16 
     end if 
     if friday of days of week of recur then 
     set bitmap to bitmap + 32 
     end if 
     if saturday of days of week of recur then 
     set bitmap to bitmap + 64 
     end if 
     set retVal to retVal & "<wxp:dayInWeek>" & bitmap & "</wxp:dayInWeek> 
     end if 
     set retVal to retVal & "<wxp:repeatType></wxp:repeatType> 
     end if 

     if (has reminder of theEvent) then 
     set retVal to (retVal & "  <wxp:reminder>" & reminder time of theEvent as string) & "</wxp:reminder> 
     end if 
     --set attendees to attendee of theEvent 
     set retVal to retVal & "  <wxp:attendees> 
     repeat with theAttendee in required attendee of theEvent 
     set retVal to retVal & my writeAttendee(theAttendee, "REQUIRED") 
     end repeat 
     repeat with theAttendee in optional attendee of theEvent 
     set retVal to retVal & my writeAttendee(theAttendee, "OPTIONAL") 
     end repeat 
     repeat with theAttendee in resource attendee of theEvent 
     set retVal to retVal & my writeAttendee(theAttendee, "RESOURCE") 
     end repeat 
     set retVal to retVal & "  </wxp:attendees> 
     set retVal to (retVal & "  <wxp:content>" & my encodeXML(content of theEvent as string)) & "</wxp:content> 
     set retVal to retVal & " </wxp:meeting> 
     end tell 
     return retVal 

     end getEvent 

     on writeAttendee(theAttendee, theType) 
     tell application "Microsoft Outlook" 
     set retVal to "" 
     if (status of theAttendee as string) is not "declined" then 
     set em to email address of theAttendee 
     set retVal to retVal & "   <wxp:attendee> 
     set retVal to (retVal & "    <wxp:name>" & my encodeXML(name of em as string)) & "</wxp:name> 
     end try 
     set retVal to (retVal & "    <wxp:ID>" & address of em as string) & "</wxp:ID> 
     set retVal to retVal & "    <wxp:type>" & theType & "</wxp:type> 
     set retVal to retVal & "   </wxp:attendee> 
     end if 
     return retVal 
     end tell 
     end writeAttendee 



Ravi Kishore。


請說明它不工作的操作系統(即不是10.8.3)也可以演示如何調用它,因爲這只是一組函數。 – adamh


IT僅在10.9.x或更高版本上運行。我在outlook上調用上面的蘋果腳本來捕獲會議詳細信息。 –


爲什麼用「objective-c」和「cocoa」標記Q? –



該行set em to email address of theAttendee位於tell application "Microsoft Outlook"塊之外,所以AppleScript不理解術語email address。在tell application "Microsoft Outlook"區塊內移動此語句,您應該沒問題。


感謝Mark.I會盡力做到這一點,因爲我正在使用的蘋果腳本完全適用於10.8.5 –
