2013-03-01 39 views


display dialog "Open Which Application" buttons {"Chrome", "AppleScript", "Textedit"} 
set the button_pressed to the button returned of the result 
if the button_pressed is "Chrome" then 
Open application "Google Chrome"-- action for 1st button goes here 
if the button_pressed is "Applescript" then 
Open application "Applescript Editor"-- action for 2nd button goes here 
if the button_pressed is "Textedit" then 
Open application "Textedit"-- action for 3rd button goes here 






你可能想在這裏什麼是else if

display dialog "Open Which Application" buttons {"Chrome", "AppleScript", "Textedit"} 
set the button_pressed to the button returned of the result 
if the button_pressed is "Chrome" then 
    open application "Google Chrome" -- action for 1st button goes here 
else if the button_pressed is "Applescript" then 
    open application "AppleScript Editor" -- action for 2nd button goes here 
else if the button_pressed is "Textedit" then 
    open application "TextEdit" -- action for 3rd button goes here 
end if 

(另外,你真的應該會使用end if,不只是end,但AppleScript的編輯器將修復你)


display dialog "Open Which Application" buttons {"Chrome", "AppleScript", "Textedit"} 
set the button_pressed to the button returned of the result 
if the button_pressed is "Chrome" then 
    open application "Google Chrome" -- action for 1st button goes here 
end if 
if the button_pressed is "Applescript" then 
    open application "AppleScript Editor" -- action for 2nd button goes here 
end if 
if the button_pressed is "Textedit" then 
    open application "TextEdit" -- action for 3rd button goes here 
end if 

然而,案件顯然是米非常獨特,所以沒有理由不使用else if


display dialog "Open Which Application" buttons {"Chrome", "AppleScript", "Textedit"} 
set the button_pressed to the button returned of the result 
if the button_pressed is "Chrome" then 
    Open application "Google Chrome"-- action for 1st button goes here 
    if the button_pressed is "Applescript" then 
     Open application "Applescript Editor"-- action for 2nd button goes here 
     if the button_pressed is "Textedit" then 
      Open application "Textedit"-- action for 3rd button goes here 




display dialog "Open Which Application" buttons {"Chrome", "AppleScript", "Textedit"} 
set the button_pressed to the button returned of the result 
if the button_pressed is "Chrome" then tell application "Google Chrome" to activate -- action for 1st button goes here 
if the button_pressed is "Applescript" then tell application "AppleScript Editor" to activate -- action for 2nd button goes here 
if the button_pressed is "Textedit" then tell application "TextEdit" to activate -- action for 3rd button goes here end 