美好的一天!在我爲學校寫的一個節目中,我們必須製作一個收銀機類型的節目,似乎很簡單,但對於我的生活,我無法讓它工作。在購買產品的數量後,所有的價格,程序必須要求現金支付,然後退還變更。但是變更必須以返還的金額(或者1美元的賬單)給出,然後纔是剩餘的美分。幫幫我?我已經得到了一些拉丁工作(有點),但我不知道如何去做這些改變。收銀機程序 - C
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
int itemNum, justChange;
double prodPrice, tax, cashGiven, change, purchasePrice, changeGiven, changeBack, cashBack;
float totalPrice;
//Num of items
printf ("Number of items: ");
scanf("%d", &itemNum);
//Price of items
printf("Please enter price of items: ");
scanf("%lf", &prodPrice);
//Math Stuff
purchasePrice = itemNum*prodPrice;
tax = purchasePrice * 0.13;
totalPrice = purchasePrice*1.13;
//find change alone
//justChange = totalPrice
//Price Output
printf("Purchase price is: %.2lf \n",purchasePrice);
printf("TAX (HST 13%): %.2lf\n",tax);
printf("Total price is: %.2lf \n",totalPrice);
printf("Please Enter Cash: ");
scanf("%lf", &cashGiven);
printf("Please Enter Change: ");
scanf("%lf", &changeGiven);
//MAth stuuff again
double endCash;
double loony;
int yoloswag;
endCash = cashGiven - totalPrice;
loony = endCash/1;
loony = loony--;
if (loony<0)
printf ("Loonies: 0");
printf("Loonies: %.0lf \n",loony);
printf("change: %d ", totalPrice-floor(totalPrice));
return 0;
對於某些特定的輸入,* expected *輸出和* actual *輸出是什麼? – 2014-09-20 14:40:24
@JoachimPileborg輸入現金支付,然後輸出變回一個1的金額返回,然後在剩餘的美分變化。我沒有輸出錯誤,我只是不確定如何顯示剩餘的變化 – Andrew 2014-09-20 14:42:39