public class NodeDouble{
private int card;
NodeDouble next;
NodeDouble prev;
public NodeDouble(int card){
this.card = card;
public int getCard(){
return this.card;
public NodeDouble getNext(){
return this.next;
public NodeDouble getPrev(){
return this.prev;
public void displayNode(){
System.out.println("Card: "+card);
import java.util.Random;
public class CardListDouble{
private NodeDouble head;
private NodeDouble tail;
private int size;
public CardListDouble(){
head = null;
tail = null;
size = 0;
public CardListDouble(int numberOfCards){
for(int i = numberOfCards; i>=1; i--){
size = numberOfCards;
public void insert(int card, int index){
if(index < 1 || index > size+1){throw new IllegalArgumentException("index is smaller than 1!, or larger than size!");}
else if(index == 1){//add at beginning
else if(index == size+1){//add to the end
NodeDouble temp = new NodeDouble(card);
tail.next = temp;
temp.prev = tail;
tail = temp;
}else{//add to the 'middle' somewhere
NodeDouble temp = new NodeDouble(card);
NodeDouble indexmin1 = getNode(index-1);
NodeDouble indexcurrent = getNode(index);
indexmin1.next = temp;
temp.next = indexcurrent;
indexcurrent.prev = temp;
temp.prev = indexmin1;
public void insertFirst(int card){
NodeDouble temp = new NodeDouble(card);
head = temp;
tail = temp;
temp.next = head;
head.prev = temp;
head = temp;
public int removeCard(int card){
if(card > size){throw new IllegalArgumentException("card not here!");}
if(head == null){System.out.println("cannot delete from empty list");}
NodeDouble current = head;
NodeDouble oneBehind = null;
boolean found = false;
int fua = 0;
//traverse list to find which node/card to delete
while(found == false && fua < size){
if(current.getCard() == card){
found = true;
current = current.next;
//did not find node
if(current == null){System.out.println("Card not in list!");}
//did find node
int tempCard = current.getCard();
if(head == current){//case1; card is at head
head = head.next;
head.prev = null;
else if(current == tail){//case2; card is tail
tail = tail.prev;
tail.next = null;
else{//card is in the 'middle' somewhere
current.prev.next = current.next;
current.next.prev = current.prev;
current.next = null;
current.prev = null;
}size--;return tempCard;
}return 0;//did not find card so return 0;
public NodeDouble getNode(int index){
if(index <=0){throw new IllegalArgumentException("index < 1 yo! (getnodemethod)");}
else if(index > size){throw new IllegalArgumentException("index is bigger than size!");}
else if(index < (size/2)){//traverse from right
NodeDouble current = head;
for (int i = 1; i < index; i++) {
current = current.next;
}return current;
}else if(index >= (size/2)){//traverse from left
NodeDouble current = tail;
for (int i = size; i > index; i--) {
current = current.prev;
}return current;
System.out.println("list is empty or index is smaller than 0!");
return null;
public void displayList(){
System.out.println("Empty List!");
NodeDouble current = head;
while(current != null){
current = current.next;
}System.out.println("size of deck:" + size);
public boolean isEmpty(){
return size == 0;
public void shuffle(){
Random rng = new Random();
for(int i = 1; i<size; i++){
int temp = rng.nextInt(size) + 1;
System.out.println("i:" + i + " temp: " + temp);
System.out.println("shuffling done!");
測試/ main方法
public class Test{
public static void main(String[] args){
CardListDouble list = new CardListDouble(52);
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long estimatedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
System.out.println("Time taken: " + estimatedTime);
大家嗨。我正在製作一個雙鏈表來包含一些卡片。 一切似乎工作正常(當我測試每個方法本身似乎工作)。 但是當我運行shuffle方法時,偶爾我會得到一個NullPointerException
謝謝老兄,解決了這個問題。你是我的英雄:D。我還可以問你用什麼方法來發現問題嗎? –
我在循環中運行你的代碼來複制問題。 shuffle中的代碼會打印多少次它會循環超過大小,並且它已經超過了53次,所以很明顯,大小增加了太多次。我研究了它可能改變的地方,並試圖找到一條可能改變多次的路徑。 –