1:從開發人員參考我們有: AsyncTask使適當和簡單的使用UI線程。該類允許執行後臺操作並在UI線程上發佈結果,而無需操縱線程和/或處理程序。 http://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/AsyncTask.html
new DoBackgroundTask().execute(URL);
class DoBackgroundTask extends AsyncTask<URL, Void, ArrayList> {
URL is the file directory or URL to be fetched, remember we can pass an array of URLs,
Void is simple void for the progress parameter, you may change it to Integer or Double if you also want to do something on progress,
Arraylist is the type of object returned by doInBackground() method.
protected ArrayList doInBackground(URL... url) {
//Do your background work here
//i.e. fetch your file list here
return fileList; // return your fileList as an ArrayList
protected void onPostExecute(ArrayList result) {
//Do updates on GUI here
//i.e. fetch your file list from result and show on GUI
protected void onProgressUpdate(Integer... values) {
// Do something on progress update
//Meanwhile, you may show a progressbar while the files load, or are fetched.
在背景上運行它,然後加載可能有太多 – Trikaldarshi
@Photon我也嘗試使用相同的線程,但相反,造成不必要的複雜性,沒有結果 – user2714061