2015-06-24 65 views


#include <iostream> 
#include <cmath> 
#include <string> 
using namespace std; 

int main(){ 
    bool done = false; 
     while (!done) { 
     char userinput; 
     string name; 
     char yes = 'Y'; 
     char no = 'N'; 
     char userinput2; 

    cout << "#############################################" << endl; 
    cout << "#=======|| ## The Age OF Zorak ## ||=======#" << endl; 
    cout << "#############################################" << endl; 
    cout << " ####################################### " << endl; 
    cout << "  #################################  " << endl; 
    cout << "  #############################   " << endl; 
    cout << "   #########################   " << endl; 
    cout << "   ======================   " << endl; 
    cout << "    ==================    " << endl; 
    cout << "    ==============    " << endl; 
    cout << "     {}{}{}{}{}     " << endl; 
    cout << "     ........     " << endl; 
    cout << "     ||||||     " << endl; 
    cout << "     ||||      " << endl; 
    cout << "      ||      " << endl; 
    cout << "     ()      " << endl; 
    cout << "            " << endl; 

    cout << "\n"; 
    cout << "\n"; 
    cout << "\n"; 
    cout << "\n"; 

    cout << "---------------------------------------------" << endl; 
    cout << "    ----Start----     " << endl; 
    cout << "---------------------------------------------" << endl; 
    cout << "    ---- Y/N ----     " << endl; 
    cout << "---------------------------------------------" << endl; 
    cout << ">>: ";   
    cin >> userinput; 
    if (userinput == yes){ 
     cout <<"Welcome,stranger what is your name?" << endl; 
     cout <<">>: "; 
     cin >> name; 
     cout << "I see a long road for you " <<name <<"," << endl; 
     cout << "Perhaps you would like some water?" << endl; 
     cout << ">>Take the water from the old man?<<" << endl; 
     cout << "(Y/N)>>: "; 
     cin >> userinput2; 

      if (userinput2 == 'N'){ 
      cout << "You refuse the water but thank the man for the offer." << endl; 
      cout << "leaving the Inn, you feel much rested but your coin purse" <<endl; 
      cout << "feels light...It's time to get some gold!!!!" << endl;  

       if (userinput2 == yes){ 
       cout << "You sip the water and thank the kind old man." << endl; 
       cout << "Moments after drinking the water,the room begins to spin"<< endl; 
       cout << "the old man's laughter is the last thing you hear...." << endl; 
       cout << "<<< You are DEAD >>>" << endl; 
       cout << "<<< Try again? >>>" << endl; 
       cout << "(Y/N)" << endl; 

       char answer; 
       cin >> answer; 
       if (answer == no) done = true; 


    return 0; 

如果用戶輸入「N」,那麼你的while循環的條件下仍然如此 - 所以它開始。 –


但我認爲它是在它自己的塊 –


我建議你格式化代碼 - 嵌套如果語句很難看,當他們沒有正確對齊。此外,你的老師或其他人正在爲此工作將感謝你 - 相信我;) –




bool done = false; 
while (!done) { 
    //everything in here keeps looping until 
    //the condition doesn't hold at the beginning of this loop 




cout << "(Y/N)>>: "; 
    cin >> userinput2; 

     if (userinput2 == 'N'){ 
      //code for the no option 
      //note that done is never changed in here (important!) 

      if (userinput2 == yes){ 
      //code for yes option 
      char answer; 
      cin >> answer; 
      if (answer == no) done = true; //done IS handled but only in the "yes" branch from above 



關於此代碼有很多不同的事情可以改進,但是更多關於code review site的主題。


謝謝你花時間向我解釋這個!我會盡量改進我的縮進,因爲你建議 –



一旦您更好地對代碼進行了格式化,可以更容易地看到您正在檢查用戶輸入,以tolower(answer)再次對'N'的變量進行更改。我認爲tolower(answer)永遠不會等於大寫char。 - 回頭看看你的代碼,我認爲這實際上不會做任何事情,因爲它自己調用tolower()函數。


檢查大括號,並使它們更有序...但錯誤仍然發生在改變代碼塊之外的while循環條件,應該做任何想法? –


正如我理解你的代碼,你打算'if'語句來執行一些條件操作,但沒有開放的'{'和關閉'}'大括號正確結構,所有的代碼運行。你在你的例子中選擇拒絕水,但如果你接受,我猜你會看到相同的文字'你拒絕水,但是謝謝......'加上預期的文字。這是否給你一些想法在哪裏看? – Swinders


http://i.imgur.com/PIhAQww.png –



bool done = false; 
    while (!done) { 
     char userinput; 
     string name; 
     char yes = 'Y'; 
     char no = 'N'; 
     char userinput2; 

     cout << "#############################################" << endl; 
     cout << "#=======|| ## The Age OF Zorak ## ||=======#" << endl; 
     cout << "#############################################" << endl; 
     cout << " ####################################### " << endl; 
     cout << "  #################################  " << endl; 
     cout << "  #############################   " << endl; 
     cout << "   #########################   " << endl; 
     cout << "   ======================   " << endl; 
     cout << "    ==================    " << endl; 
     cout << "    ==============    " << endl; 
     cout << "     {}{}{}{}{}     " << endl; 
     cout << "     ........     " << endl; 
     cout << "     ||||||     " << endl; 
     cout << "     ||||      " << endl; 
     cout << "      ||      " << endl; 
     cout << "     ()      " << endl; 
     cout << "            " << endl; 

     cout << "\n"; 
     cout << "\n"; 
     cout << "\n"; 
     cout << "\n"; 

     cout << "---------------------------------------------" << endl; 
     cout << "    ----Start----     " << endl; 
     cout << "---------------------------------------------" << endl; 
     cout << "    ---- Y/N ----     " << endl; 
     cout << "---------------------------------------------" << endl; 
     cout << ">>: ";   
     cin >> userinput; 
     if (userinput == 'Y'){ 
      cout <<"Welcome,stranger what is your name?" << endl; 
      cout <<">>: "; 
      cin >> name; 
      cout << "I see a long road for you " <<name <<"," << endl; 
      cout << "Perhaps you would like some water?" << endl; 
      cout << ">>Take the water from the old man?<<" << endl; 
      cout << "(Y/N)>>: "; 
      cin >> userinput2; 

      if (userinput2 == 'N'){ 
       cout << "You refuse the water but thank the man for the offer." << endl; 
       cout << "leaving the Inn, you feel much rested but your coin purse" <<endl; 
       cout << "feels light...It's time to get some gold!!!!" << endl;  

      if (userinput2 == 'Y'){ 
       cout << "You sip the water and thank the kind old man." << endl; 
       cout << "Moments after drinking the water,the room begins to spin"<< endl; 
       cout << "the old man's laughter is the last thing you hear...." << endl; 
       cout << "<<< You are DEAD >>>" << endl; 
       cout << "<<< Try again? >>>" << endl; 
       cout << "(Y/N)" << endl; 

       char answer; 
       cin >> answer; 
       if (answer == 'n') done = true; 


謝謝,但錯誤仍然存​​在! –


對,我沒有爲你修復這個錯誤 - 我認爲你理解它爲什麼不起作用是很重要的。我只需要格式化就不會讓我的頭受傷。 –


當您在userinput2中鍵入'N'時,完成的變量仍然設置爲false。所以,循環再次從頂部開始。這基本上啓動你的遊戲。 –