2011-12-21 43 views


變量聲明在* h文件等

 NSNumber* resultSelectedWeekValue; 


 @property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber* resultSelectedWeekValue; 


@synthesize resultSelectedWeekValue =  _resultSelectedWeekValue; 


// Show discription of Selected week 
     -(void) getSelectedWeekDelegateMethod:(NSString*) getSelectedWeek { 

     _resultSelectedWeekValue = [_dbObject getSelectedWeekValue:getSelectedWeek]; 

     NSLog(@"This is _tempOzs %@ ", _resultSelectedWeekValue); 

     if ([_productAttributePopover isPopoverVisible]) { 

      [_productAttributePopover dismissPopoverAnimated:YES]; 

     NSLog(@"This is _resultSelectedWeekValue %@ and class %@", _resultSelectedWeekValue, [_resultSelectedWeekValue class]); // This say the object is deallocate? this is the code below 

if ((_resultSelectedWeekValue != nil) && (_tempGranularProduct != nil || _tempLiquidProduct != nil) && (_tempLbs != nil || _tempOzs != nil)) { 

    if ([_tempLbs intValue] != 0) { 

     NSDate* _createdDate = [NSDate date]; 
     //Create the dateformatter object 
     NSDateFormatter* _formatter = [[[NSDateFormatter alloc] init] autorelease]; 
     //Set the required date format 
     [_formatter setDateFormat:@"yyyy-MM-dd"]; 
     //Get the string date 
     NSString* _formatDate = [_formatter stringFromDate:_createdDate]; 
     NSNumber* _getNumBags = [self calculateGranularBags]; 
     NSNumber* _getProductID = [[_dbObject getAppliedProductWeightAttribute:_tempGranularProduct] objectForKey:@"productid"]; 
     NSNumber* _totalInvestment = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInt:0]; 

     NSLog(@"This is _tempScenarioId %@ and class %@", _tempScenarioId, [_tempScenarioId class]); 
     NSLog(@"This is _resultSelectedWeekValue %@ and class %@", _resultSelectedWeekValue, [_resultSelectedWeekValue class]); 
     NSLog(@"This is _getProductID %@ and class %@", _getProductID, [_getProductID class]); 
     NSLog(@"This is _tempLbs %@ and class %@", _tempLbs, [_tempLbs class]); 
     NSLog(@"This is _getNumBags %@ and class %@", _getNumBags, [_getNumBags class]); 
     NSLog(@"This is _totalInvestment %@ and class %@", _totalInvestment, [_totalInvestment class]); 
     NSLog(@"This is _tempCarryover %@ and class %@", _tempCarryover, [_tempCarryover class]); 

     NSMutableDictionary* _scenarioProductAttribute = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: 
                _tempScenarioId, @"scenarioid", 
                _resultSelectedWeekValue, @"weekvalue", 
                _getProductID, @"productid", 
                _tempLbs, @"lbper1000ft", 
                _getNumBags, @"numberofbags", 
                _totalInvestment, @"totalinvestment", 
                _tempCarryover, @"carry_n", 
                _formatDate, @"date", 
     [_totalInvestment release]; 

     _tempScenarioId = [_dbObject insertScenarioProductAttribute:_scenarioProductAttribute andScenarioId:_tempScenarioId andProductId:_getProductID andSelectedWeekValue:_resultSelectedWeekValue]; 

     // Check Point 
     [TestFlight passCheckpoint:@"INSERT_GRANULAR_RECORD"]; 

    if ([_tempOzs intValue] != 0) { 

     NSDate* _createdDate = [NSDate date]; 
     //Create the dateformatter object 
     NSDateFormatter* _formatter = [[[NSDateFormatter alloc] init] autorelease]; 
     //Set the required date format 
     [_formatter setDateFormat:@"yyyy-MM-dd"]; 
     //Get the string date 
     NSString* _formatDate = [_formatter stringFromDate:_createdDate]; 
     NSNumber* _getGallons = [self calculateLiquidGallons]; 
     NSNumber* _getProductID = [[_dbObject getAppliedProductWeightAttribute:_tempLiquidProduct] objectForKey:@"productid"]; 
     NSNumber* _totalInvestment = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInt:0]; 

     NSLog(@"This is _tempScenarioId %@ and class %@", _tempScenarioId, [_tempScenarioId class]); 
     NSLog(@"This is _resultSelectedWeekValue %@ and class %@", _resultSelectedWeekValue, [_resultSelectedWeekValue class]); // This say the object is deallocate? 
     NSLog(@"This is _getProductID %@ and class %@", _getProductID, [_getProductID class]); 
     NSLog(@"This is _tempOzs %@ and class %@", _tempOzs, [_tempOzs class]); 
     NSLog(@"This is _getGallons %@ and class %@", _getGallons, [_getGallons class]); 
     NSLog(@"This is _totalInvestment %@ and class %@", _totalInvestment, [_totalInvestment class]); 
     NSLog(@"This is _tempCarryover %@ and class %@", _tempCarryover, [_tempCarryover class]); 

     NSMutableDictionary* _scenarioProductAttribute = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: 
                  _tempScenarioId, @"scenarioid", 
                  _resultSelectedWeekValue, @"weekvalue", 
                  _getProductID, @"productid", 
                  _tempOzs, @"ounces", 
                  _getGallons, @"gallons", 
                  _totalInvestment, @"totalinvestment", 
                  _tempCarryover, @"carry_n", 
                  _formatDate, @"date", 
     [_totalInvestment release]; 
     _tempScenarioId = [_dbObject insertScenarioProductAttribute:_scenarioProductAttribute andScenarioId:_tempScenarioId  andProductId:_getProductID andSelectedWeekValue:_resultSelectedWeekValue]; 

您提供了很多代碼,但它們都不能幫助我們解決您的問題。我們需要知道如何設置_resultSelectedWeekValue。它很可能設置爲自動釋放對象,或者意外釋放。 – Joe 2011-12-21 14:33:06


_gosh _that _code _is _hard _to _read。 _why _are _you _putting _underscores _infront _of _all _your _variable _names? – jrturton 2011-12-21 15:16:36


_he _read _somewhere _that _you _can _do _that _for _all _members _of _a _class _and _taken _it _too _far _I _guess – deanWombourne 2011-12-21 15:55:09




self._resultSelectedWeekValue = [_dbObject getSelectedWeekValue:getSelectedWeek]; 

,如果你正面臨着與 「_resultSelectedWeekValue」 變量值的問題。


好的,我會試試這個。謝謝 – 2011-12-22 07:50:14