2013-01-17 197 views


#typical plot 
filled.contour(volcano, color.palette = terrain.colors) 

cont <- contourLines(volcano) 
fun <- function(x) x$level 
LEVS <- sort(unique(unlist(lapply(cont, fun)))) 
COLS <- terrain.colors(length(LEVS)) 
for(i in seq(cont)){ 
    COLNUM <- match(cont[[i]]$level, LEVS) 
    polygon(cont[[i]], col=COLS[COLNUM], border="NA") 
contour(volcano, add=TRUE) 

enter image description here


不能找到一個完整的解決方案,但使用'輪廓(火山,加= TRUE)'已經解決了你的部分問題或? –


謝謝@thijsvandenbergh - 我希望得到實際的多邊形,以嘗試將這些投影到另一個網格上。 –


,我沒有得到,但這可能是有幫助的:[link](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12849623/in-r-how-does-one-place-multiple-filled-contour-plots-in-一個單一設備) –




rr <- raster(t(volcano)) 
rc <- cut(rr, breaks= 10) 
pols <- rasterToPolygons(rc, dissolve=T) 

Here's a discussion會告訴你如何簡化(「美化」)所產生的多邊形。

enter image description here


很好地回答 - 人們可以看到,上面的評論中,輪廓確實在中心位置回落。釷'你的顏色選擇留下一個想知道:-) :-) –


謝謝@諾阿 - 這是一個很好的方法。無論如何,意味着學習'raster'包的功能。乾杯。 –



raster2contourPolys <- function(r, levels = NULL) { 

    ## set-up levels 
    levels <- sort(levels) 
    plevels <- c(min(values(r), na.rm=TRUE), levels, max(values(r), na.rm=TRUE)) # pad with raster range 
    llevels <- paste(plevels[-length(plevels)], plevels[-1], sep=" - ") 
    llevels[1] <- paste("<", min(levels)) 
    llevels[length(llevels)] <- paste(">", max(levels)) 

    ## convert raster object to matrix so it can be fed into contourLines 
    xmin <- extent(r)@xmin 
    xmax <- extent(r)@xmax 
    ymin <- extent(r)@ymin 
    ymax <- extent(r)@ymax 
    rx <- seq(xmin, xmax, length.out=ncol(r)) 
    ry <- seq(ymin, ymax, length.out=nrow(r)) 
    rz <- t(as.matrix(r)) 
    rz <- rz[,ncol(rz):1] # reshape 

    ## get contour lines and convert to SpatialLinesDataFrame 
    cat("Converting to contour lines...\n") 
    cl <- contourLines(rx,ry,rz,levels=levels) 
    cl <- ContourLines2SLDF(cl) 

    ## extract coordinates to generate overall boundary polygon 
    xy <- coordinates(r)[which(!is.na(values(r))),] 
    i <- chull(xy) 
    b <- xy[c(i,i[1]),] 
    b <- SpatialPolygons(list(Polygons(list(Polygon(b, hole = FALSE)), "1"))) 

    ## add buffer around lines and cut boundary polygon 
    cat("Converting contour lines to polygons...\n") 
    bcl <- gBuffer(cl, width = 0.0001) # add small buffer so it cuts bounding poly 
    cp <- gDifference(b, bcl) 

    ## restructure and make polygon number the ID 
    polys <- list() 
    for(j in seq_along([email protected][[1]]@Polygons)) { 
    polys[[j]] <- Polygons(list([email protected][[1]]@Polygons[[j]]),j) 
    cp <- SpatialPolygons(polys) 
    cp <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(cp, data.frame(id=seq_along(cp))) 

    ## cut the raster by levels 
    rc <- cut(r, breaks=plevels) 

    ## loop through each polygon, create internal buffer, select points and define overlap with raster 
    cat("Adding attributes to polygons...\n") 
    l <- character(length(cp)) 
    for(j in seq_along(cp)) { 
    p <- cp[cp$id==j,] 
    bp <- gBuffer(p, width = -max(res(r))) # use a negative buffer to obtain internal points 
    if(!is.null(bp)) { 
     xy <- SpatialPoints(coordinates([email protected][[1]]@Polygons[[1]]))[1] 
     l[j] <- llevels[extract(rc,xy)] 
    else { 
     xy <- coordinates(gCentroid(p)) # buffer will not be calculated for smaller polygons, so grab centroid 
     l[j] <- llevels[extract(rc,xy)] 

    ## assign level to each polygon 
    cp$level <- factor(l, levels=llevels) 
    cp$min <- plevels[-length(plevels)][cp$level] 
    cp$max <- plevels[-1][cp$level] 
    cp <- cp[!is.na(cp$level),] # discard small polygons that did not capture a raster point 
    df <- unique([email protected][,c("level","min","max")]) # to be used after holes are defined 
    df <- df[order(df$min),] 
    row.names(df) <- df$level 
    llevels <- df$level 

    ## define depressions in higher levels (ie holes) 
    cat("Defining holes...\n") 
    spolys <- list() 
    p <- cp[cp$level==llevels[1],] # add deepest layer 
    p <- gUnaryUnion(p) 
    spolys[[1]] <- Polygons([email protected][[1]]@Polygons, ID=llevels[1]) 
    for(i in seq(length(llevels)-1)) { 
    p1 <- cp[cp$level==llevels[i+1],] # upper layer 
    p2 <- cp[cp$level==llevels[i],] # lower layer 
    x <- numeric(length(p2)) # grab one point from each of the deeper polygons 
    y <- numeric(length(p2)) 
    id <- numeric(length(p2)) 
    for(j in seq_along(p2)) { 
     xy <- coordinates([email protected][[j]]@Polygons[[1]])[1,] 
     x[j] <- xy[1]; y[j] <- xy[2] 
     id[j] <- as.numeric([email protected][[j]]@ID) 
    xy <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(cbind(x,y), data.frame(id=id)) 
    holes <- over(xy, p1)$id 
    holes <- xy$id[which(!is.na(holes))] 
    if(length(holes)>0) { 
     p2 <- p2[p2$id %in% holes,] # keep the polygons over the shallower polygon 
     p1 <- gUnaryUnion(p1) # simplify each group of polygons 
     p2 <- gUnaryUnion(p2) 
     p <- gDifference(p1, p2) # cut holes in p1  
    } else { p <- gUnaryUnion(p1) } 
    spolys[[i+1]] <- Polygons([email protected][[1]]@Polygons, ID=llevels[i+1]) # add level 
    cp <- SpatialPolygons(spolys, pO=seq_along(llevels), proj4string=CRS(proj4string(r))) # compile into final object 
    cp <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(cp, df) 



r <- raster(t(volcano)) 
l <- seq(100,200,by=10) 
cp <- raster2contourPolys(r, levels=l) 
cols <- terrain.colors(length(cp)) 
plot(cp, col=cols, border=cols, axes=TRUE, xaxs="i", yaxs="i") 
contour(r, levels=l, add=TRUE) 

enter image description here


這並不壞,但並非所有多邊形都是空間排斥的 - 嘗試添加plot(cp [4,],add = T,col ='black')' - 這會導致分析和可視化問題陰謀順序,排除透明度等)。 gDifference'可能是你的朋友。 – geotheory



我已經爲仙塵添加了新參數fd,以解決我發現的使用UTM類型座標的問題。基本上,據我所知,算法的工作原理是通過從輪廓線中取樣側面點來確定內部的哪一側是多邊形。如果採樣點與線路的距離結束,則會產生問題。在另一輪廓之後。所以,如果你得到的多邊形看起來錯誤嘗試設置fd將值10 ^±N個,直到它看起來非常錯誤的或有關的權利..

raster2contourPolys <- function(r, levels = NULL, fd = 1) { 
    ## set-up levels 
    levels <- sort(levels) 
    plevels <- c(min(values(r)-1, na.rm=TRUE), levels, max(values(r)+1, na.rm=TRUE)) # pad with raster range 
    llevels <- paste(plevels[-length(plevels)], plevels[-1], sep=" - ") 
    llevels[1] <- paste("<", min(levels)) 
    llevels[length(llevels)] <- paste(">", max(levels)) 

    ## convert raster object to matrix so it can be fed into contourLines 
    xmin <- extent(r)@xmin 
    xmax <- extent(r)@xmax 
    ymin <- extent(r)@ymin 
    ymax <- extent(r)@ymax 
    rx <- seq(xmin, xmax, length.out=ncol(r)) 
    ry <- seq(ymin, ymax, length.out=nrow(r)) 
    rz <- t(as.matrix(r)) 
    rz <- rz[,ncol(rz):1] # reshape 

    ## get contour lines and convert to SpatialLinesDataFrame 
    cat("Converting to contour lines...\n") 
    cl0 <- contourLines(rx, ry, rz, levels = levels) 
    cl <- ContourLines2SLDF(cl0) 

    ## extract coordinates to generate overall boundary polygon 
    xy <- coordinates(r)[which(!is.na(values(r))),] 
    i <- chull(xy) 
    b <- xy[c(i,i[1]),] 
    b <- SpatialPolygons(list(Polygons(list(Polygon(b, hole = FALSE)), "1"))) 

    ## add buffer around lines and cut boundary polygon 
    cat("Converting contour lines to polygons...\n") 
    bcl <- gBuffer(cl, width = fd*diff(bbox(r)[1,])/3600000) # add small buffer so it cuts bounding poly 
    cp <- gDifference(b, bcl) 

    ## restructure and make polygon number the ID 
    polys <- list() 
    for(j in seq_along([email protected][[1]]@Polygons)) { 
    polys[[j]] <- Polygons(list([email protected][[1]]@Polygons[[j]]),j) 
    cp <- SpatialPolygons(polys) 
    cp <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(cp, data.frame(id=seq_along(cp))) 

    # group by elev (replicate ids) 
    # ids = sapply(slot(cl, "lines"), slot, "ID") 
    # lens = sapply(1:length(cl), function(i) length(cl[i,]@lines[[1]]@Lines)) 

    ## cut the raster by levels 
    rc <- cut(r, breaks=plevels) 

    ## loop through each polygon, create internal buffer, select points and define overlap with raster 
    cat("Adding attributes to polygons...\n") 
    l <- character(length(cp)) 
    for(j in seq_along(cp)) { 
    p <- cp[cp$id==j,] 
    bp <- gBuffer(p, width = -max(res(r))) # use a negative buffer to obtain internal points 
    if(!is.null(bp)) { 
     xy <- SpatialPoints(coordinates([email protected][[1]]@Polygons[[1]]))[1] 
     l[j] <- llevels[raster::extract(rc,xy)] 
    else { 
     xy <- coordinates(gCentroid(p)) # buffer will not be calculated for smaller polygons, so grab centroid 
     l[j] <- llevels[raster::extract(rc,xy)] 

    ## assign level to each polygon 
    cp$level <- factor(l, levels=llevels) 
    cp$min <- plevels[-length(plevels)][cp$level] 
    cp$max <- plevels[-1][cp$level] 
    cp <- cp[!is.na(cp$level),] # discard small polygons that did not capture a raster point 
    df <- unique([email protected][,c("level","min","max")]) # to be used after holes are defined 
    df <- df[order(df$min),] 
    row.names(df) <- df$level 
    llevels <- df$level 

    ## define depressions in higher levels (ie holes) 
    cat("Defining holes...\n") 
    spolys <- list() 
    p <- cp[cp$level==llevels[1],] # add deepest layer 
    p <- gUnaryUnion(p) 
    spolys[[1]] <- Polygons([email protected][[1]]@Polygons, ID=llevels[1]) 
    for(i in seq(length(llevels)-1)) { 
    p1 <- cp[cp$level==llevels[i+1],] # upper layer 
    p2 <- cp[cp$level==llevels[i],] # lower layer 
    x <- numeric(length(p2)) # grab one point from each of the deeper polygons 
    y <- numeric(length(p2)) 
    id <- numeric(length(p2)) 
    for(j in seq_along(p2)) { 
     xy <- coordinates([email protected][[j]]@Polygons[[1]])[1,] 
     x[j] <- xy[1]; y[j] <- xy[2] 
     id[j] <- as.numeric([email protected][[j]]@ID) 
    xy <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(cbind(x,y), data.frame(id=id)) 
    holes <- over(xy, p1)$id 
    holes <- xy$id[which(!is.na(holes))] 
    if(length(holes)>0) { 
     p2 <- p2[p2$id %in% holes,] # keep the polygons over the shallower polygon 
     p1 <- gUnaryUnion(p1) # simplify each group of polygons 
     p2 <- gUnaryUnion(p2) 
     p <- gDifference(p1, p2) # cut holes in p1  
    } else { p <- gUnaryUnion(p1) } 
    spolys[[i+1]] <- Polygons([email protected][[1]]@Polygons, ID=llevels[i+1]) # add level 
    cp <- SpatialPolygons(spolys, pO=seq_along(llevels), proj4string=CRS(proj4string(r))) # compile into final object 

    ## make polygons exclusive (i.e. no overlapping) 
    cpx = gDifference(cp[1,], cp[2,], id=cp[1,]@polygons[[1]]@ID) 
    for(i in 2:(length(cp)-1)) cpx = spRbind(cpx, gDifference(cp[i,], cp[i+1,], id=cp[i,]@polygons[[1]]@ID)) 
    cp = spRbind(cpx, cp[length(cp),]) 

    ## it's a wrap 
    cp <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(cp, df) 