要明確: 1)一個點光源 2)中的所有對象都漫 3)的所有對象是球體,甚至壁(它們是非常大的) 4)NO MIS WEIGHTING
- 第一個問題:
- 做的第一光點的產生是好的?
- 我需要根據光源的發射來計算這個點嗎?還是僅僅是排放?該行被註釋到我填充Vertices結構的地方。
- 我需要翻譯fromlight嗎?爲了把它放在球
下面的代碼在主功能採樣。在它上面有兩個for循環遍歷所有像素。 Camera.o是眼睛。 CameraRayDir是當前像素的方向。
//The path light starting point is at the same position as the light Ray fromLight(Vec(0, 24.3, 0), Vec()); Sphere light = spheres[7];
#define PDF 0.15915494309 // 1/(2 * PI)
for(int i = 0; i < samps; ++i)
std::vector<Vertices> PathEye;
std::vector<Vertices> PathLight;
Vec cameraRayDir = cx * (double(x)/w - .5) + cy * (double(y)/h - .5) + camera.d;
Ray rayEye(camera.o, cameraRayDir.norm());
// Hemisphere oriented towards the top
fromLight.d = generateRayInHemisphere(fromLight.o,Vec(0,1,0)).d;
double f = clamp(n.dot(fromLight.d.norm()));
Vertices vert;
vert.d = fromLight.d;
vert.x = fromLight.o;
vert.id = 7;
vert.cos = f;
vert.n = Vec(0,1,0).norm();
// this one ?
//vert.couleur = spheres[7].e * f/PDF;
// Or this one ?
vert.couleur = spheres[7].e;
int sizeEye = generateEyePath(PathEye, rayEye, maxDepth);
int sizeLight = generateLightPath(PathLight, fromLight, maxDepth);
for (int s = 0; s < sizeLight; ++s)
for (int t = 1; t < sizeEye; ++t)
int depth = t + s - 1;
if ((s == 0 && t == 0) || depth < 0 || depth > maxDepth)
pixelValue = pixelValue + connectPaths(PathEye, PathLight, s, t);
int generateEyePath(std::vector<Vertices>& v, Ray eye, int maxDepth)
double t;
int id = 0;
Vertices vert;
int RussianRoulette;
while(v.size() <= maxDepth)
if(distribRREye(generatorRREye) < 10)
// Intersect all the geometry
// id is the id of the intersected geometry in an array
intersect(eye, t, id);
const Sphere& obj = spheres[id];
// Intersection point
Vec x = eye.o + eye.d * t;
// normal
Vec n = (x - obj.p).norm();
Vec direction = light.p - x;
// Shadow ray
Ray RaytoLight = Ray(x, direction.norm());
const float distance = direction.length();
// shadow
const bool visibility = intersect(RaytoLight, t, id);
const Sphere &lumiere = spheres[id];
float degree = clamp(n.dot((lumiere.p - x).norm()));
// If the intersected geometry is not a light, then in shadow
if(lumiere.e.x == 0)
vert.couleur = Vec();
else // else we compute the colour
// obj.c is the brdf, lumiere.e is the emission
vert.couleur = (obj.c).mult(lumiere.e/(distance * distance)) * degree;
vert.x = x;
vert.id = id;
vert.n = n;
vert.d = eye.d.normn();
vert.cos = degree;
eye = generateRayInHemisphere(x,n);
return v.size();
對於光路,對於給定的點,我根據前述一個,並在該點的值計算它。就像在一個共同的路徑追蹤\ n
int generateLightPath(std::vector<Vertices>& v, Ray fromLight, int maxDepth)
double t;
int id = 0;
Vertices vert;
Vec previous;
while(v.size() <= maxDepth)
if(distribRRLight(generatorRRLight) < 10)
previous = v.back().couleur;
intersect(fromLight, t, id);
// intersected geometry
const Sphere& obj = spheres[id];
// Intersection point
Vec x = fromLight.o + fromLight.d * t;
// normal
Vec n = (x - obj.p).norm();
double f = clamp(n.dot(fromLight.d.norm()));
// obj.c is the brdf
vert.couleur = previous.mult(((obj.c/M_PI) * f)/PDF);
vert.x = x;
vert.id = id;
vert.n = n;
vert.d = fromLight.d.norm();
vert.cos = f;
fromLight = generateRayInHemisphere(x,n);
return v.size();