2016-12-28 31 views


dim transientLicense AS integer 
dim steadyLicense AS integer 
dim staticLicense AS integer 


if((value.cell(AH) =("radial vibration" or "acceleration" or "acceleration2" or "velocity" or "velocity2")) && (value.cell(W)="yes") && (value.cell(D)="active") Then 

else if((value.cell(AH) =("radial vibration" or "acceleration" or "acceleration2" or "velocity" or "velocity2")) && (value.cell(W)="no") && (value.cell(D)="active") Then 

else if((value.cell(AH)=("axial vibration" or "temperature" or "pressure") && (value.cell(D)="active")) Then 



這是更好,如果你不進行技術開始你的問題:標籤的位置是什麼;加上閱讀標籤的描述:不要使用「vba」作爲excel-vba。 –





  • AutoFilter()選項

    Option Explicit 
    Sub main() 
        Dim transientLicense As Integer 
        Dim steadyLicense As Integer 
        Dim staticLicense As Integer 
        Dim arr1 As Variant, arr2 As Variant 
        arr1 = Array("radial vibration", "acceleration", "acceleration2", "velocity", "velocity2") '<--| set your first values list 
        arr2 = Array("axial vibration", "temperature", "pressure") '<--| set your 2nd values list 
        With Worksheets("Licenses") '<-| reference your relevant worksheet (change "Licenses" to your actual worksheet name) 
         With .Range("D1", .Cells(.Rows.Count, "AH").End(xlUp)) '<--| reference its columns D to AH range from row 1 down to column AH last not empty row 
          .AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="active" '<--| filter referenced cells on 1st column ("D") with "active" 
          .AutoFilter Field:=31, Criteria1:=arr1, Operator:=xlFilterValues '<--| filter referenced cells on 31th column ("AH") with arr1 list 
          .AutoFilter Field:=20, Criteria1:="yes" '<--| filter referenced cells on 20th column ("W") with "yes" 
          transientLicense = .Resize(, 1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Count - 1 
          .AutoFilter Field:=20, Criteria1:="no" '<--| filter referenced cells on 20th column ("W") with "no" 
          steadyLicense = .Resize(, 1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Count - 1 
          .AutoFilter Field:=20 '<--|remove filter on 20th columncolumn 
          .AutoFilter Field:=31, Criteria1:=arr2, Operator:=xlFilterValues '<--| filter referenced cells on 31th column ("AH") with arr2 list 
          staticLicense = .Resize(, 1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Count - 1 
         End With 
         .AutoFilterMode = False 
        End With 
    End Sub 


  • WorkSheetFunction.CountIF()選項

    Option Explicit 
    Sub main() 
        Dim transientLicense As Integer 
        Dim steadyLicense As Integer 
        Dim staticLicense As Integer 
        Dim arr1 As Variant, arr2 As Variant, elem As Variant 
        arr1 = Array("radial vibration", "acceleration", "acceleration2", "velocity", "velocity2") '<--| set your first values list 
        arr2 = Array("axial vibration", "temperature", "pressure") '<--| set your 2nd values list 
        With Worksheets("Licenses") '<-| reference your relevant worksheet (change "Licenses" to your actual worksheet name) 
         With .Range("D1", Cells(Rows.Count, "AH").End(xlUp)) '<--| reference its columns D to AH range from row 1 down to column AH last not empty row 
          For Each elem In arr1 '<--| loop through 1st array list 
           transientLicense = transientLicense + WorksheetFunction.CountIfs(.Columns(1), "active", .Columns(20), "yes", .Columns(31), elem) '<-- update 'transientLicense' for every record matching: "active" in referenced range column 1(i.e. "D"), "yes" in referenced range column 20 (i.e. "W") and current list element in referenced range column 31 (i.e. "AH") 
           steadyLicense = steadyLicense + WorksheetFunction.CountIfs(.Columns(1), "active", .Columns(20), "no", .Columns(31), elem) '<-- update 'steadyLicense' for every record matching: "active" in referenced range column 1(i.e. "D"), "no" in referenced range column 20 (i.e. "W") and current list element in referenced range column 31 (i.e. "AH") 
          Next elem 
          For Each elem In arr2 '<--| loop through 2nd array list 
           staticLicense = staticLicense + WorksheetFunction.CountIfs(.Columns(1), "active", .Columns(31), elem) '<-- update 'staticLicense' for every record matching: "active" in referenced range column 1(i.e. "D") and current list element in referenced range column 31 (i.e. "AH") 
          Next elem 
         End With 
        End With 
    End Sub 


Sub Demo() 

If ((Range("AH1").Value = "radial vibration") Or (Range("AH1").Value = "acceleration") Or (Range("AH1").Value = "acceleration2") Or (Range("AH1").Value = "velocity") Or (Range("AH1").Value = "velocity2") Or (Range("AH1").Value = "velocity2")) And ((Range("W1").Value = "yes")) And ((Range("D1").Value = "active")) Then 

    transientLicense = transientLicense + 1 

End If 

End Sub 

我如何將它用於整列?就像我最終需要完成transientlicense? – user007


然後您將使用for循環。 '對於i = 1到範圍(「AH5000」)。end(3).row'。然後如果子句和「下一個」。 –
