2017-07-14 138 views


def predict_output_word(model, context_words_list, topn=10): 

from numpy import exp, dtype, float32 as REAL,\ 
ndarray, empty, sum as np_sum, 
from gensim import utils, matutils 

"""Report the probability distribution of the center word given the context words as input to the trained model.""" 
if not model.negative: 
    raise RuntimeError("We have currently only implemented predict_output_word " 
     "for the negative sampling scheme, so you need to have " 
     "run word2vec with negative > 0 for this to work.") 

if not hasattr(model.wv, 'syn0') or not hasattr(model, 'syn1neg'): 
    raise RuntimeError("Parameters required for predicting the output words not found.") 

word_vocabs = [model.wv.vocab[w] for w in context_words_list if w in model.wv.vocab] 
if not word_vocabs: 
    warnings.warn("All the input context words are out-of-vocabulary for the current model.") 
    return None 

word2_indices = [word.index for word in word_vocabs] 

#sum all the indices 
l1 = np_sum(model.wv.syn0[word2_indices], axis=0) 

if word2_indices and model.cbow_mean: 
    #l1 = l1/len(word2_indices) 
    l1 /= len(word2_indices) 

prob_values = exp(dot(l1, model.syn1neg.T))  # propagate hidden -> output and take softmax to get probabilities 
prob_values /= sum(prob_values) 
top_indices = matutils.argsort(prob_values, topn=topn, reverse=True) 

return [(model.wv.index2word[index1], prob_values[index1]) for index1 in top_indices] #returning the most probable output words with their probabilities 

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大多數word2vec實現甚至沒有提供單獨的單詞預測的特定接口。在gensim中,01​​最近才被添加。它只適用於某些模式。它並不完全像在培訓期間那樣對待window--沒有有效的按距離加權。而且,它相當昂貴 - 從本質上檢查模型對每個詞的預測,然後報告前N個。 (在訓練過程中發生的'預測'是'稀疏'的並且效率更高 - 只需運行足夠的模型即可推動它在單個示例中更好)。
