我正在使用Microsoft Windows Azure雲平臺的c#中創建應用程序。檢索通過SendGrid發送的電子郵件的狀態
4. Track sent emails to determine if they were:
4.1 delivered
4.2 opened
4.3 recipient opt-out
4.4 bounced (with the reason for the bounce)
4.5 time/date sent
4.6 which links in the email were clicked (and time/date they were clicked)
4.7 IP address, if user clicked any links in the email
SendGrid不是Microsoft服務,它是另一家公司在Azure上託管的服務。您是否檢查了他們的[documentation](http://sendgrid.com/docs/),尤其是[Delivery Metrics](http://sendgrid.com/docs/Delivery_Metrics/index.html)部分? –
是的,我已經檢查過它的文檔,但我不知道如何才能通過c#代碼獲得所有功能。但是,我所要求的所有功能都在文檔中進行了解釋,但我需要代碼示例。 – coolhimanshu