2016-09-26 21 views


  1. Q1 * Q3 * K /(R^2)= F1_3(這是電場力1和3之間)

  2. Q2 * Q3 * K/R^2)= F1_2(粒子1和之間力2)

  3. 從那裏我可以找到兩個電荷與f1_3之間的淨力+ f1_2 = fnet

  4. 隨着淨力我會找到加速度使用a = fnet/m(其中m是質量。 (現在我上面的所有事情都可以做,但現在繼承人讓我感到困惑)

  5. 取剛剛找到的加速度並找到速度。 v = - (at)是時間間隔(我得到那個方程式,它從步驟6中的方程推導出來,初始方程是x(.05)= at + v

  6. 取得那個速度和前一個加速度並找到新位置:x = 1/2at^2 + v * t + x

  7. x的值成爲粒子3的新位置,現在我回到頂部以便計算電力,然後加速等沖洗和重複。



import java.util.Scanner; 
import javax.swing.JFrame; 
public class Firstgui { 

private static Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); 

public static void main(String[] args) { 
    //declare variables 
    double postionq1= 0.0; // position of q1 is at origin i just put it here for reference 
    double distanceq3_q1=.01; //q3 is placed between q1 and q2 
    double distanceq3_q2= .014-distanceq3_q1; //distance from q3 to q2 
    double q1=5e-6; 
    double q2=-4e-6; 
    double q3=-2e-6; 
    double mq1=3e-5; 
    double k= 8.99e9; 
    double F1_3 = Force(q1, q3, k, distanceq3_q1); 
    double F2_3= -Force(q2, q3, k, distanceq3_q2); 
    double Fnet=F1_3+F2_3; 
    System.out.println("particle 3 position from 0.0-1micro-seconds is " + position(acceleration(Fnet,mq1), 0.000001 , velocity(0.000001 , acceleration(Fnet,mq1)),.01)); 
    // this print line above is the final the position of q3 a 1 microsecond 
    //now with that value that it prints how would i use that for the next 
    //position of q3 and recalculate the fnet then acceleration etc. 
public static double Force(double q1, double q2, double k, double r) { 
    double electricforce=(q1*q2*k)/(Math.pow(r, 2)); 
    return electricforce; 
public static double acceleration(double f, double m) { 
     double acell=f/m; 
     return acell; 
public static double position(double a, double t, double v, double x) { 
    double postion=.5*a*(t*t)+(v*t)+x; // a- acceleration through out out this time interval is constant 
    return postion; 
public static double velocity(double t, double a) { 
    double v=-(t*a); // a- acceleration through out out this time interval is constant 
    return v; 

它看起來可能對我來說。謹慎詳細說明你卡在哪裏? –




public static void main(String[] args) { 
    int nbrSteps = 1000; 
    // Store the data 
    PointArray points = // The data would look like this. Particle at index 0 corresponds with the data {x0, y0, z0} 
          0: {x0, y0, z0}, 
          1: {x1, y1, z1}, 
    VelocityArray velocities = // And here, very similarly 
            0: {vx0, vy0, vz0}, 
            1: {vx1, vy1, vz1}, 
    for (int i = 0; i < nbrSteps; i++) { 
     takeStep(points, velocities); 
     // You probably want to record the simulation somehow. Either you save your 
     // data to disk, or you render it on the screen. Both calls could be put here. 

public static void takeStep(PointArray points, VelocityArray velocities) { 
    for (int i = 0; i < points.length(); i++) { 
     const double timestep = 1e-6; 
     // Here you implement the steps you described, and update position and velocity accordingly 
     velocities[i] = ... 
     points[i] = ... 


public static void takeStep(PointArray points, VelocityArray velocities) { 
    for (int i = 0; i < points.length(); i++) { 
     const double timestep = 1e-6; 
     // Doing something simple, lets simulate gravity 
     const double gravity = -9.82; 
     velocities[i].y += f_gravity*timestep; 
     points[i] = velocity[i]*timestep; 


velocity = force*change_in_time 
position = velocity*change_in_time 



我以前從未真正使用過數組,所以我不確定你的意思是什麼?我會在哪裏實施我曾經想過的步驟,並根據我的理解你的說法,我將不得不手動更新位置和速度? – Cosmik11


我真的不明白你想用這個代碼做什麼,或者我錯過了什麼? – Cosmik11


可能的例子? – Cosmik11