2016-03-01 27 views


因此,我終於得到了我的代碼工作,除了我不能得到1件事: 問題的例子:說我進入2個房間,然後對於第一個房間,我把10×2這是一個面積20,那麼對於第二個房間我把8×2這是16。 那麼當代碼顯示的信息在最後它只顯示16作爲兩個房間的面積,我假設這是因爲這是最後一個區域這是計算。 在最後它顯示了總面積36,所以我知道我接近正確的道路。但我不能爲我的生活弄清楚這一點。

import javax.swing.JOptionPane; 
public class PropertySF 
public static void main(String[] args) 

    double length = 0, // The room's length 
      width = 0,  // The room's width 
      area = 0;  // The room's area 
    int numRoom;   // for number of rooms 
    double roomSF = 0; // square footage for each room 
    double totalSF = 0; // Total square footage 

    // Get the amount of rooms 
    numRoom = getRooms(); 

    // Get the rooms dimentions from the user. 
    for (double maxRoom = 1; maxRoom <= numRoom; maxRoom++) 
     length = getLength(); 

     // Get the rooms's width from the user. 
     width = getWidth(); 

     // Get the rooms's area. 
     area = getArea(length, width); 
     totalSF += area; 

    // Display the room data. 
    displayData(numRoom, totalSF, area); 


public static int getRooms() 
    //See CL 5-10 Page 298 
    String input;  //For input 
    //get input from user 
    input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the number of rooms in the 
             the house: "); //Line 37 
    return Integer.parseInt(input); //Line 45- 48 

*The getLength prompts user for the length of the room 
*@return value entered by user. 
public static double getLength() 
    //See CL 5-10 Page 298 
    String input;  //For input 
    //get input from user 
    input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the length of the room:"); 
    return Double.parseDouble(input); //Line 45- 48 

*The getWidth prompts user for the Width of the room 
*@return value entered by user. 
public static double getWidth() 
    //See CL 5-10 Page 298 
    String input;  //For input 
    //get input from user 
    input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the width of the room:"); 
    return Double.parseDouble(input); //Line 45-48 

* The getArea method will calculate the room's area 
* @param length the room's length 
* @param with the room's width 
* @return the area of the room 
public static double getArea(double length, double width) 
    return length * width; 

* The displayData method displays the rooms data. 

public static void displayData(double numRoom, 
           double totalSF, 
           double area) 
    for (double maxRoom = 1; maxRoom <= numRoom; maxRoom++) 
    String.format("The Square footage for room %f is %f,\n" + 
           "The total SQF is: %f \n", maxRoom, area, 


這是因爲你沒有「displayData」,直到循環結束。你只會看到最後的結果。只需在循環內移動該行即可。 – durbnpoisn


@durbnpoisn AHHH你真了不起。非常感謝。我一直在這個愚蠢的事情永遠。我擺脫了「displayData」中毫無意義的循環,並將「displayData」放在頂部的循環中。謝謝! –




