2016-02-09 46 views

我正在爲Java編寫Craps dice程序。我無法弄清楚如何將主要方法中的Scanner「playerName」傳遞給playgame方法和rolldice方法。我希望能夠用這兩種方法讓程序打印出玩家的名字。 (例如「傑克總共9次擲出4和5」,而不是「玩家擲出4和5,總共9次」我還得到警告Resouce Leak:'sc'永遠不會關閉。編程場景,所以如果你能深入淺出的講解,我將不勝感激。任何建議,以改善方案,也歡迎。將來自掃描器的輸入傳遞給方法

import java.util.Scanner; 
import java.util.Random; 
public class crapsgame 
    //generates random number to be used in method rollDice 
    private Random randomNumbers = new Random(); 

    //enumeration of constants that represent game status 
    private enum Status {WIN, LOSE, CONTINUE}; 

    //represents possible outcomes of rolling the dice 
    private final static int two = 2; 
    private final static int three = 3; 
    private final static int seven = 7; 
    private final static int eleven = 11; 
    private final static int twelve = 12; 

    public static void main (String[]args) 
     Scanner sc = new Scanner (System.in); 
     System.out.println("Enter a player name: "); 
     String playerName = sc.nextLine(); 
     crapsgame game = new crapsgame(); //created object of class "crapsgame" 
     game.playgame(); //tells crapsgame object "game" to invoke"playgame" method 

    //method to play game 
    public void playgame() 
     int currentPoint = 0; //holds point value for current roll 
     Status gameResult; //contains one of enumeration values 
     int sumofDice = rollDice(); //sum after first roll 
     //determines if won, lost, or continue 
     switch (sumofDice) 
      case seven: 
      case eleven: 
       gameResult = Status.WIN; 
      case two: 
      case three: 
      case twelve: 
       gameResult = Status.LOSE; 
      //game continues if above conditions are not met 
       gameResult = Status.CONTINUE; 
       currentPoint = sumofDice; 
       System.out.printf("Point is %d\n", currentPoint); 

     while (gameResult == Status.CONTINUE) 
      sumofDice = rollDice(); 
      if (sumofDice == currentPoint) 
       gameResult = Status.WIN; 
       if (sumofDice == seven) 
        gameResult = Status.LOSE; 
     if (gameResult == Status.WIN) 
      System.out.println("Player wins"); 
      System.out.println ("Player loses"); 

    public int rollDice() 
     //choose a random number from 1-6 
     int firstroll = 1 + randomNumbers.nextInt(6); 
     int secondroll = 1 + randomNumbers.nextInt(6); 
     int sum = firstroll + secondroll; 
     System.out.printf("Player rolled %d and %d for a total of %d\n", firstroll, secondroll, sum); 
     return sum; 



從用戶處獲得名稱後,必須將playerName作爲字符串參數傳遞給您要使用它的任何函數。 我也把你的班名改成駱駝大小寫。

import java.util.Scanner; 
import java.util.Random; 
public class CrapsGame { 
    //generates random number to be used in method rollDice 
    private Random randomNumbers = new Random(); 

    //enumeration of constants that represent game status 
    private enum Status {WIN, LOSE, CONTINUE}; 

    //represents possible outcomes of rolling the dice 
    private final static int two = 2; 
    private final static int three = 3; 
    private final static int seven = 7; 
    private final static int eleven = 11; 
    private final static int twelve = 12; 

    public static void main (String[]args) { 
     Scanner sc = new Scanner (System.in); 
     System.out.println("Enter a player name: "); 
     String playerName = sc.nextLine(); 
     CrapsGame game = new CrapsGame(); //created object of class "CrapsGame" 
     game.playgame(playerName); //tells CrapsGame object "game" to invoke"playgame" method 
    //method to play game 
    public void playgame(String playerName) { 
     int currentPoint = 0; //holds point value for current roll 
     Status gameResult; //contains one of enumeration values 
     int sumofDice = rollDice(playerName); //sum after first roll 
     //determines if won, lost, or continue 
     switch (sumofDice) 
      case seven: 
      case eleven: 
      gameResult = Status.WIN; 
      case two: 
      case three: 
      case twelve: 
      gameResult = Status.LOSE; 
      //game continues if above conditions are not met 
      gameResult = Status.CONTINUE; 
      currentPoint = sumofDice; 
      System.out.printf("Point is %d\n", currentPoint); 

     while (gameResult == Status.CONTINUE) 
      sumofDice = rollDice(playerName); 
      if (sumofDice == currentPoint) 
       gameResult = Status.WIN; 
      else if (sumofDice == seven) 
       gameResult = Status.LOSE; 
     if (gameResult == Status.WIN) 
      System.out.println(playerName + " wins"); 
      System.out.println (playerName + " loses"); 
    public int rollDice(String playerName) 
     //choose a random number from 1-6 
     int firstroll = 1 + randomNumbers.nextInt(6); 
     int secondroll = 1 + randomNumbers.nextInt(6); 
     int sum = firstroll + secondroll; 
     System.out.printf("%s rolled %d and %d for a total of %d\n", playerName, firstroll, secondroll, sum); 
     return sum; 


public void playGame(String playerName) { 


String playerName = sc.nextLine(); 


