2013-12-15 45 views



EX: 玩家-1擁有100點生命值。 我拿走了1個生命點。玩家1現在有99個生命點。 現在我再做一次。 我從玩家1中奪走了1個生命值。 但是現在,它不是從先前的99點生命點數中拿走1點,而是從100點再次離開1點,並且第二次給了我99點。


package yu.gi.oh.life.point.counter; 

    import java.util.Scanner; 
    public class YuGiOhLifePointCounter { 

     static Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); 
     public static void main(String[] args) { 

      double choice_1; 
      System.out.print("\nEnter the starting life points for player-1: "); 
      choice_1 = sc.nextDouble(); 

      double storage_1; 
      storage_1 = choice_1; 

      double choice_2; 
      System.out.print("\nEnter the starting life points for player-2: "); 
      choice_2 = sc.nextDouble(); 

      double storage_2; 
      storage_2 = choice_2; 

      double lp1; 
      System.out.print("\nEnter a 6 to change the life-points of either player: "); 
      lp1 = sc.nextDouble(); 

      while (lp1 == 6) { 

        double choose_1_2; 
        System.out.print("\nEnter a 1 to change player-1's life-points, or enter a 2 to change player-2's life-points: "); 
        choose_1_2 = sc.nextDouble(); 

        if (choose_1_2 == 1) { 
         double ch_1; 
         System.out.print("\nEnter the number subtracted from or added to player-1's life-points: "); 
         ch_1 = sc.nextDouble(); 
         double c_1; 
         System.out.print("\nEnter a 1 to subtract this number from player-1's life-points, or enter a 2 to add this number to player-1's life-points: "); 
         c_1 = sc.nextDouble(); 

         double display_1; 

         if (c_1 == 1) { 
          display_1 = storage_1 - ch_1; 
          System.out.println("\nPlayer-1's life-points are currently " + display_1); 
         if (c_1 == 2) { 
          display_1 = storage_1 + ch_1; 
          System.out.println("\nPlayer-1's life-points are currently " + display_1); 
        if (choose_1_2 == 2) { 
         double ch_2; 
         System.out.print("\nEnter the number subtracted from or added to player-2's life-points: "); 
         ch_2 = sc.nextDouble(); 
         double c_2; 
         System.out.print("\nEnter a 1 to subtract this number from player-2's life-points, or enter a 2 to add this number to player-1's life-points: "); 
         c_2 = sc.nextDouble(); 

         double display_2; 

         if (c_2 == 1) { 
          display_2 = storage_2 - ch_2; 
          System.out.println("\nPlayer-2's life-points are currently " + display_2); 
         if (c_2 == 2) { 
          display_2 = storage_2 + ch_2; 
          System.out.println("\nPlayer-2's life-points are currently " + display_2); 

        lp1 = 6; 





display_2 = storage_2 - ch_2;這樣的一行將繼續計算與原始生命點數(100)的差值,而不是從先前計算的金額中減去。在計算display_x值後,請嘗試更新這些storage_x值。


謝謝你,這是我今天在這個項目中第100萬分鐘的時刻。無論如何,謝謝,我只需要將某些變量的某些區域移動到不同的位置,並且似乎可以修復它。謝謝你的幫助。 – Andyo98
